05 | love to death

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I lay there with his hand in mine.

We've been together for three years and a half now. A time that seemed to have flown by too quick, but at the same time, too slow. Years where we fought and we loved and we laughed. Years where we learned about one another. Things that would have been hard to say, were spoken. Things that were spoken too often, were left behind. Those three years shaped us, and sometimes for the worse, and sometimes for the better. And during all those years, we learned to love deeply and strongly.

His fingers tighten around my own, and I fight back the smile that tries to escape, but as I turn my head to face him, it escapes. He gives me a lopsided smile.

"What?" I ask as I stroke his cheek.

"Nothing." he says smiling, his eyes crinkling at the edge.

My smile faltered as I sit up, a frown appears on my face causing him to smile even more. "Don't do that you know how I get when I don't know something." I say as I poke his shoulder.

He chuckled, the vibrations making me inhale sharply. "That's exactly why I'm doing it!" he says as he gives me a kiss and runs out of the room. I shake my head and follow after him. Running down the hallway of our secluded home. And just when I turn to face the stairs, I halt.

My mouth hangs open as I look at the rose petals on the stairs, the scented candles dancing as I take a step forward. I should've known something was up from the moment he said he wanted to use the back door. But this was something entirely different. It makes my heart melt to my stomach as scenarios appear in my mind. As the candles flicker with each step I take.

Something wet falls on my cheeks, and when I touch it, I realize I'm crying.

Words are written in his messy writing. Hanging in white sheets with red strings. Letters that we sent to one another during college years. Unfinished poems from the both of us. Text messages he sent me.

A lump forms in my throat as I take a step closer to the living room. I wipe at the tears on my cheeks as I watch my surroundings.

Newt stands in the middle of the room, his hands clasped behind his back. The path of roses forms a circle around him, as the candles create shadows on his perfect face. And I smile.

"Newt?" I ask, as he smiled softly at me, as he took my hands in his and slowly drifted to his knees. As his eyes locked with my own.

He licked his lips before saying, "we've been together for awhile now. I have to confess that it's been the best time of my life." I nod, and dab at my cheeks. "I have never experienced this for anyone in my life. I love you like there's no tomorrow." I fight back the tears that threaded to block him from my sight. "This past years I have been stupid and reckless, yet you stayed with me. We had arguments, but we overcame them. Now, I want us to take it one step further." And I breath in deeply as he takes a little box from the pocket of his pants, as he opens the lid that shows me a gem that promises me a future. "Would you do me the honour of being my love for eternity?"

Newt looks at me with that angelic face I fell in love with. With those eyes that hold far too many emotions for me to describe. And I do what Ive known I wanted to do from the moment he gave me my first kiss. I nod and say yes in a shaky voice. Bending down to cup his face in my own. He kisses me with a passion we both share. And then I feel the coldness sliding on top of my finger, but I don't care. I continue to kiss him and repeat the word 'yes'. And we kiss like this is our last time, we hold each other like we've always done. And I tell him I love him, and he repeats it. And I ugly cry, but he holds me and tells me I'm beautiful. And I kiss him and kiss him. Because he's my everything and I'm his.

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