"Out of the hospital"

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Robert coughed, with a smirk on his face, placing the magazine back where he found it. "I better get going Kenna, I have some business to attend to."

As he got up, he slipped his other shoe that had fallen off back on, leant down to me and kissed me on the cheek.

His lips were soft and his breath was minty.

"I'll be here to pick you up tomorrow," he winked at me, and with that, strolled out of my room un-noticed.

The day ahead of me went faster then I thought and before I knew it, it was 9:00. I fell asleep and dreamt about Robert and that typical Downey smirk of his.

I woke up to Robert sitting next to me in his usual spot. His hair was freshly cut, but his scruffy stubble still remained.

He was wearing a black and blue striped shirt, a pair of navy blue chino's and some black boots.

He smelt good as per usual, and was chewing on some gum.

He sat there calmly as he read the paper.

"Morning sunshine."

He spoke, a smile spreading across his face. His eyes still focused on the paper.

I checked the time on my phone, "10:24."

There was a message from Austin, so I swiped it and read what it had to say.

-Austin- 4th March

"Awh." I said out loud, putting my hand to my chest.

"What?" Robert quickly put his paper down and looked at me as I smiled at my phone.

"Oh nothing." I said mischievously, as I looked up to him and placed my phone to the side.

"Tell me," Robert replied with a grin across his face and his eyebrow arched. "Is it that boy?"

"Maybe." I replied.

"Lame." He exclaimed, smiling as he turned back to his paper.

"You're very good at hiding your jealously." I said with a cheeky grin across my face.

"Thank you." He looked at me and winked.

"What's your deal?" I said.

He laughed. "What do you mean?"

"You're jealous-"

"Yes. And?"

"Let me finish!"

He began to laugh again.

"You're jealous, but you don't do anything about it?"

Robert folded his paper and set it down on the table next to my bed.

He turned to me, cupped my face in one of his hands and spoke softly. His eyes staring into mine.

"I don't get jealous, because I know I'm better than him." That cheeky grin spread across his face as he winked.

"Look. I got you some clothes, because the hospital wants you out of here by 12. The nurse will be in shortly to take that catheter of yours out as well as the drip, those wires and that lovely tube stuck up your nose. "

"Oh joyous.....You're so arrogant." I replied back to him smiling.

As I sat up, I cringed.

The pain in my abdomen wasn't fully gone and still stung slightly when I made sudden movements. I hadn't even noticed, but my shoulder had been bandaged. The bandage extending from my shoulder blade, ending just before the crevice in my arm.

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