Tori waved at her and Dinah took the seat next to her. Oh my goodness this girl had some of the most beautiful legs I have ever seen and don't get me started on her thighs.

"Well Dinah you've already made an impression on me today and you haven't even started working. You showed up an hour earlier than you were supposed and I like that in an assistant, someone who takes initiative." I said.

"Thank you very much Miss Y/N. It is such an honor to get the opportunity to work for you. I can assure you that I do whatever it takes to get the job done." Dinah said.

I got up and walked around the front of my desk to where she was, I sat on the desk with my legs crossed and said, "Well Dinah there are a few things you should know about my company. I like to make work fun, I want each of my employees to go home and tell their loved ones I love my job. There are three rules, they are very simple. Be on time, work hard, and don't mess with anyone in the office during work hours. Got it?"

Dinah nodded her head and said, "You have nothing to worry about Y/N. I'm just here to work."

"Well don't let me stop you. Go see Naomi she'll show you your desk and help you get set up."

Dinah got up and shook my hand again and said, "Thanks again for the opportunity."

"No problem at all." I said.

Dinah got up from her chair and walked out of my office. Tori nearly broke her damn neck watching Dinah walk out. She lightly chuckled to myself and said, "I'm gonna fuck her."

"I got $50 that says it'll take you a week to get in her skirt." Tori said.

"Well I have $50 that says my head will be between her legs during lunch." I said.

"If you can pull that off l'll give you an extra fifty bucks." Tori said.

I shook Tori's hand and she left, I sat behind my desk and started doing business.


"Listen to me you smooth talking son of a bitch. I'm offering you the best deal out there, now either you accept my offer or I go somewhere. I have plenty investors dying to get there hands on this deal." I said as I walked around my office.

"Miss Y/L/N I'm sure we can renegotiate this deal. Twenty percent in my opinion is a fair percentage." Mr. Mahone argued.

"Austin, here's a little something you should know about me. When it comes to business I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want." I walked over to my desk and handed him a large envelope.

He opened it and began looking through the pictures. "Now I'm pretty sure that your wife Becky would love to get her hands on those. You meeting up with your ex Camila every Wednesday for a little afternoon delight. Yeah that spells out divorce in my book."

"You wouldn't dare?" He said.

"You agree to my thirty-five percent and this meeting never happened." I said.

"Fine. When you get the contracts drawn up have them sent to my office." Austin said.

I nicely shook his hand and said, "Pleasure doing business with you."

Once again I've proved that I am a boss ass bitch that always gets what she wants. I sat behind my desk and began shuffling a deck of cards. This was a random habit I had, when I got bored I shuffle my cards and usually come up with some brilliant idea.

"Miss Y/N can I come in please?" Dinah asked from outside the door.

"Come in Dinah." I said playfully.

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