Chapter 19; Scars run Deep

Start from the beginning

The wolf laughed a cruel and ice like laugh, his tail raised above his flanks in a show of anger and aggression, but otherwise he was expressionless. "I think we've gone a little too far for something like that, wouldn't you think?" He asked, his fangs showing just a little through his lips, glittering in the dimly lit field.
Blinking calmly, almost in a way which was casual. As both wolves tried to do what they could in order to make it seem as though they were not shaken, I knew that in both cases it was probably complete lies. I knew Kai could be insane, but even he had to have some feelings at some point, no matter how unlikely it might have seemed after everything that had happened.

Kai tilted his head to the side, pricking his ears forward in a fake gesture of confusion, maybe even a joking attempt to look cute. "We're a little past that, at this point don't you think, Robert?" He said with another laugh, his eyes lit with a certain level of amusement which sent a shiver down my spine as I watched and listened with a degree of nervousness. My eyes concentrated on their every movement, from the twitch of their ears to the flick of their tails. A bomb going off wouldn't have taken my attention away.
Patience was not a commodity amongst myself and my allies as the conversation carried on, they were all obviously trying to keep their tempers as the alpha carried on insulting them all relentlessly. He acted as though he was fearless, and had nothing to be worried about whatsoever with what was about to happen. I massively hoped that he would find out soon that he was completely wrong with this impression. I desperately hoped so.
Joshua opened his mouth, as though to begin arguing but the older of the two alphas pushed him backwards a little, placing the palm of his hand across the cold creature's chest and stopping him from doing something that he was likely to forget. Joshua looked annoyed, but he didn't speak up again, allowing the werewolf to carry on the conversation as calmly as he was able to do so, which was not very easily. "Are you certain? We may be able to save an awful lot of lives today, if you weren't so... Stubborn." I could tell that he was struggling to stop himself from using a slightly stronger insult then the word stubborn.
Looking at the wolf, he didn't seem to even both to acknowledge any of the other people who were close to him, as though they simply did not exist. So much so, it was obvious that he was being blatantly rude. His hatred for everything but those who were a part of his own species, was almost painfully obvious.
"Don't pretend as though you didn't have any option to stop the loss of life, Robert. You had plenty of opportunity to stop this from happening to your pack, to your species. Even now, you could change your alliance to the right side, to the winning side. And you would be able to stop the death of your friends. Regardless of what you say, this is happening today, and no matter what you say. You know in your heart who is going to be the winner after all of this, I have the stronger army." His tone was low, and the disgust clear to his tone.
Stepping forward just a little, he made himself as large as he could. And considering that Robert was already a pretty huge wolf, the sight alone for a smaller wolf such as myself was intimidating, it was a threatening thing to see. I was thankful that I was his ally, for I knew how much of a strong fighter Robert was capable of being.Every part of the wolf I had known since I was young, the only alpha figure that I could truly remember ever having, showed through with every movement. He was more alpha then those ten times stronger then him. "Never, Kai. You may believe that you will win, but you must also know that you are on the wrong side. You are fighting for the wrong reason, for personal reason. We fight for the greater good, not just the good of my pack. And for this reason, I will do everything that I can do in order to kill you. To stop you from doing all of this."
I smiled just a little bit, he was an alpha who I would have died for if the circumstances needed it, and it appeared as though this day would be those circumstances. If this was the losing side, I wouldn't be making it out of this day with my life. I knew that much, and I accepted it.
Alpha Kai smiled a low hateful grin, which would have made the devil himself turn tail and run away, it was clear that he was expecting this much, he wasn't an idiot in this way, though frankly in many others if he thought all of this was worth it. "Very well."
Then he lunged.
Within moments the rest of us had reacted, but I didn't notice anyone else move. I was already running towards the centre of the battle field as fast as my legs would possibly take me, everything around me seemed to slow till I was the only person in that field. I was the only one, and all I could here was the sound of my paws hitting the ground, as each step takes me closer and closer to my first enemy.
I collide with the body of another wolf, but already the familiar metallic tang hits my nose, within seconds first blood has been drawn. I barely noticed the men and women fighting around me, the sound of gunshots was somewhere in the back of my head. The sound of fangs tearing through flesh and the howls of pain, both human and otherwise littering the battlefield. Which was already beginning to become drenched with blood.
Crying out loudly, as my opponent lands a heavy hit to the back of my neck, thankfully nothing that could be overly dangerous or fatal. Blood is now dripping from a wound and crawling across my back and into my fur, leaving it slightly matted and I let out a groan as I swat out at the enemy as hard as I possibly could have done, and biting down on any bit of fur that I could get my fangs onto. When I at last here a screech of pain, I guess that one of my hits managed to get the target as best as they could have done. Pinning my ears back to my head, I let out a low growl. The wolf in-front of me is younger, but her fighting is good, she is more experienced then her age would have made me expect. But she is smaller, and I would have to try and take advantage of that. Something I would not be used to, considering the fact that the vast majority of wolves were larger then myself, and most of the time I relied on speed. However for once I was faced with a smaller, probably faster wolf, and that meant a change in tactic.
The younger wolf was circling around me, she too was now bleeding from a fresh wound on her now torn ear, and a nasty scratch was torn across one of her hind flanks. She was staring at me, like a vulture watching a dead carrion. Waiting for the opportune moment to strike, it was my job not to give it to her.
Again we collide at a great speed, in a flurry of biting and slashing as we fight like a pair of hungry dogs in the street. Now I manage to get my fangs around the scruff of her neck and drag upwards as hard as I was able to do. That was when her inexperience showed through, as she squirmed in a state of panic. My grip turned to steel and I shook her as hard as I could, biting down hard on the back of her neck. Though not hard enough to kill, this pup was no threat in truth to me and I wasn't Kai, I wouldn't kill those who couldn't do the same to me unless necessary.
She screamed loudly, kicking out at my chest and leaving me winded for just a moment, but I manage to keep my grip on her neck, and refuse to let go. Leaving her panicked as she is trapped in my jaws, then came the words that I had been looking for. She screeched at the top of her lungs, "I surrender, I surrender. Don't kill me." She begged.
I let go and she fell with a thump to the ground, and set off running, but rather then turning tail and running from the battlefield. She only ran deeper into it, if I met her again in this battle. I wouldn't be so kind.
Taking a short moment to attempt to catch my breath, and recover a little bit from the pain and blood loss. However it is quickly cut short when someone tackles me from the left, and there would be no luxury in this fight. It was a second wolf, at least twice my size in muscle, and if I didn't think quick, I would be screwed.
With as much force as I could muster, I scrabbled at the larger wolf's now exposed underbelly, scratching and tearing at the sensitive skin of his stomach with all the strength I could find. He barely seemed to notice, but when the blood began to drip from his wounds, I knew that at the very least I had managed to injure the wolf.
Stifling the scream of pain which was working its way up the back of my throat, I manage not to cry out and show how much agony the sudden blow managed to take my by surprise. I groaned loudly, as the larger wolf tore his fangs into one of my legs. I was thankful not to hear the horrible sound of a snap. Which would have ended this battle for me, though maybe not in the way that most of us would have wanted to.

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