Chapter 9; At the end of the Day

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Author's Note;

I just wanted to say sorry that recent chapters have been taking so long to write, school has started again so I've had a lot of work to do. But now I've gotten to a point where I know where its going, I just struggled to word it properly so I could get to this point. Thanks so much to all the kind commenters and readers, it means so much to me when I read the nice comments. [Feel free to give mean ones if you feel they are needed, I know my grammar isn't the best, but I honestly do try] and I hope you enjoy reading this book.

BTW honestly, I felt a slight urge to explain a little more about what the moon goddess in my book is going to be, as I know there has been a bit of annoyance towards that cliché. Therefore I added a slight explanation, sorry if you don't like it, she wont have much more of a role in the book after this anyway except for mention once in a while.

Thanks to foreverballoon for giving me the idea to give the Moon Goddess a name, I used the different ones because as society has changed from Ancient Egypt, to Ancient Greece etc, the name has changed. That is the reason I gave her several ones if you were wondering.


A natural intermission seemed to set across the group of gathered wolves, as the elderly lady at the centre of the circle left her seat, presumably to get something to drink or talk with one of the alpha's, as a result my attention was drawn away from her and my mind began to wander.

For a moment, my thoughts only run to England and home. Everything I know is there, everything that I care for is there. It hurts that I have to be away from them so long, to be surrounded by such a big and close family. I am a stranger here, and I am away from everything that I know and care about. My wolf wants nothing more then to turn and run home, to get to the one place that I have ever felt like was home.

Being around so many strangers put me on edge and put my wolf on edge enough as it is, but from merely thinking about the family that I had left behind me, made me half mad by the thought of it. I don't have a clue what has put this into me, I can feel my wolf going insane as though from rabies in my head. He wants to get out badly, but I have to do everything I can to keep him under restraints. I'm just paranoid, I try to convince myself, but its easier said then done convincing my wolf that this is all that it is.

The beta beside me turns his head to look at me and hesitates, narrowing his eyes it doesn't take much to guess what is going through his head. He's trying to decide whether or not to pin me down here and now, and he would have done if for even the shortest of moments that I was going to be a threat to him, his mate, or his pack. I would have done the same in an instant, but I can hardly think about the logic behind the growl which comes from him.

I allow myself a moment, looking away as a sign of slight submission though not completely, my wolf wouldn't have allowed me to at right now. I feel too weak on the inside to allow myself the indignity of showing it on the outside as well. "I'm fine." I growl in turn, forcing myself to stand and ignoring the glares I receive from the men and women around me. "I just need a minute to get some fresh air that's all." I insist, then without waiting for another word from any of them I turn and break free from the circle.

Breathing as deeply as my lungs will allow me, I force myself to calm down as best as myself whilst I argue in my head against my angered wolf. "We should have never left." One part of me is insisting, and fighting against me to allow my wolf to get out of his constraints and just set off running. It wouldn't have taken me by surprise if my wolf would have attempted to swim the oceans in order to get home at this point.

I AM MI6Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora