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Being a homosexual is difficult because it's not just all about you; it is all about the other people. Your family, your peers, your loved one and your community or the whole world is against you. No one could understand the real you.

I've tried it so hard to belong but I failed. Fortunately, after college I've found a place where I could be me and met a guy who've loved and accepted me for being me. He gave me a job with a managerial position in their company and I'm very grateful for him. For all of the love and support that he gave to me, I could not ask for more.

However, these past few weeks I can feel the growing space between me and him. I know there is something bothering him but he never tell me why.

I don't want to lose him. He is the only person who can accept me for being me.


"Rose?" I asked as I hold her hand.

She nodded and smile.

I've never seen her for a while now and I wondered what dress she's looking for.

"How are you? It's been a while?" I asked.

She smiled with teary eyes.

"I'm fine, How about you?" Rose replied huskily trying to hide her emotion.

"I'm fine but I'm more worried about you. You know, about Mae. I've heard from our other batch mates." I solemnly said.

"There's nothing we could do anymore. Things happen for a reason. By the way, where are you working right now?" She changed the topic but I can still see the pain in her eyes.

"Well, I'm the branch manager of this "The Array" right now and nothing special just the fact that I'm openly gay right now." I proudly said.

"Good for you." She replied.

"How about you Rose?"

"Me, Oh I quit my job two months ago and right now it's nothing so special cause most of the time I'm just at home watching television."

"How about applying as a secretary at our company? We have an opening right now. I assure you. Here is the email address. I am pleased if you'll apply." I encouraged her.

"Thank you, I will try to send my curriculum vitae later. I'll just message you if I've already sent it." She smiled with less pain.

"Or perhaps, I'll call you later on. What's your number? I very pleased to work with you. You know how much I've missed you." I asked.

Then she handed me her calling card.

"By the way, I need to go now maybe I'm also disturbing you work. Nice meeting you again, Sam." Rose whispered.

"Ok then, be careful. I'll call you later." I waved goodbye.

Rose has been always like that charming but mysterious. She is one of my friends in high school who knew and accepted me for being a gay. Rose and Mae, they were inseparable but not until when Mae was diagnosed with leukemia.

"Sir Sam, there is call for you." My secretary said.

"Who is it?"

"It's Sir Blaine, sir."

"Ok, I'll be there in a second."

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