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"You will carry a 9 mm gun, a small pocket knife and the bugs attached to your body and clothing. Do you think you'll need other weapons?" I shook my head, looking down at the desk and finding a brand new pistol and a knife. It had been a while since the last time I used both.

"Do I have clearance to shoot?" I enquired. The last thing I needed was being charged for murder.

"Yes you do. Although I am not sure who had this stupid idea." Diana muttered the last part although I had heard her. This woman was desperately needing something to soften her.

"It's been a while since the last time I used a gun. Maybe I'll aim at your head and see if my skills are intact." She rolled her eyes and handed me the weapons. I was pushing, but Diana seemed much calmer than earlier. At least she wasn't trying to hit me or plotting my assassination.

"We have two hours to go, Harry. Stop with the comments and focus on your task. We will be around, ready to burst through those doors if you press the emergency button or say the secret word." She stopped and looked at me, as if trying to understand if I could handle the pressure of rescuing two agents and arresting another one.

"Remember, you need his confession before he realises we have a plan. Talk about Alexa, push the right buttons. Don't get yourself killed, I hate handling bodies." Sebastian and everyone else on the room watched us with interest, wondering if there would be a round two of our argument. I couldn't give less of a fuck about what Diana had to say. Elizabeth was the only one who mattered, and I kept replaying her laugh inside my head, the way her eyes squinted close as she smiled too hard. I loved her, and I needed her safe.

"I got it, okay? I won't mess things up." I snapped at her, wondering if this woman had any feelings at all. She could at least pretend to be sympathetic, considering her boss and his daughter were hostages.

"Yeah, sure. If you need to pee or do other personal shit, you should go now. We leave in twenty minutes." I nodded in silence and shared a knowing look with Sebastian. Our back up plan needed to be ready, and for the first time I felt anxious about it. So many things could go potentially wrong, things I couldn't simply cast aside.

My methods had always relied on luck, but that was a luxury I couldn't afford, considering Elizabeth's safety was at stake. The thought of failing sent chills down my spine. I had never let my guard down so easily or so fast, which meant I couldn't deal well with vulnerabilities or intimacy.

"Come on, before we have to leave." Sebastian whispered, dragging me away without causing much commotion. People seemed tense and uninterested in me, all focused on their tasks. We slipped away from the room without curious glances, taking long strides towards the elevator and waiting in silence. I still couldn't assess the idea of Sebastian being Elizabeth's brother.

"Do you think it will work out? Margaret told me their bugs are ready and she found guns. Once we leave, she will drive them there." The doors opened and we got inside, the air thickened with tension as I thought about our back up plan. I needed to contact the boys first if I wanted to ensure safety. Make Benjamin confess, keep Elizabeth safe, contact the boys, contact the agency. Those four steps became my mantra as we walked inside a room filled with maps and seriousness.

"You're late." Margaret snapped, pointing towards the boys while they stood up and walked towards me, similar black attires they hadn't been using before. It could've been comical, how the clothes fitted each one uniquely, but none of us were on the mood for laughing.

"The bugs are ready, if you're in complete and utter horror without knowing what to do, you know the safe word. Kate and Niall will stay behind. It's show time, Harry." Liam spoke, pointing towards small devices atop a desk. I looked around and took a deep breath, exhaling the anxiety I felt.

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