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"Have you gotten laid or something? Every time I mention your boyfriend or your secret assignment, you blush. I bet ten bucks he just wanted a blowjob inside the agency. Am I right or am I right?" I threw a French fry at him, feeling myself blush one more time. Liam was apparently in the mood for crude sexual remarks.

"For your information, I have been assigned to a task." And what a task, I mentally added. Going through last night events for the millionth time, I still hadn't figured out what truly happened. Harry Styles was someone I had never imagined I would meet. An artist, as he called himself.

"Is it any good?" Liam asked me, all playfulness vanishing from his tone. It was truly unfair the fact that not even yesterday Liam and I were equals. I had unlimited access to his assessments just like he had access to mine. I had received information about someone and now I had to watch my words around him. I wondered how much Benjamin kept from me, but above all things I wondered if I would really want to know.

"It has proven to be more interest than I had previously imagined." I answered him honestly, taking a deep breath. Not talking about Harry felt like betrayal, especially since Liam had been the only person with whom I could openly discuss anything.

"How was Harry last night? Please tell me he at least brought you home. I know he can be quite annoying at times." I remained motionless, trying to decide if Liam was joking or not. Obviously he wasn't, I just couldn't find it in me to answer. Once my confusion subdued slightly, things became clearer, all that Harry said last night. It impressed me how much he knew about the agency, now I could understand how. Liam was his friend. Oh my fucking God. He had been lying to me for at least four years now.

"Ok, now you are freaking me out a bit." He admitted, looking straight into my eyes. I wanted to slap him, pour all of my orange juice on his face, anything really. Not even ten minutes ago, I was feeling bad because I couldn't talk to him about an assignment. Now I found out he was friends with the art thief.

"Liam James Payne you fucking liar. How could you? You have been lying for years." I half yelled at him, trying to remind myself we were not alone. Guilt was written all over his face, meanwhile my anger only grew. That fucker was a traitor. He had been feeding information to a criminal, and I felt so stupid. Feeling somewhat special because Harry Styles said I was art. Those lying fuckers.

"Liz, you know I couldn't tell you about it. You had no idea about Harry until yesterday." He tried to reason with me while I glared, my hands turning to fists.

"I could get you arrested right now, for treason. To be honest, I don't even know why I agreed with Harry's bullshit. I was probably half drunk or something." I rolled my eyes, exasperated. Apparently, the only person I could trust entirely was my mother. She was the only sane creature out there, deciding to abandon the agency for good. She had left for us, my sister and I.

"Liz, listen to me. I know that my friendship with Harry is not something the agency would approve of, but I never fed him information. All of those files and things he found out about the operatives, those have never been me. You know well enough that we only have clearance for 2 per cent of what happens inside that agency." He watched me intently, making sure I was listening rather than plotting some petty revenge inside a restaurant. Now I could understand why he wanted to have lunch away from the agency. If a superior caught us, I had no idea what would happen next. My father surely would never be able to save me.

"I am well aware of that. Sometimes I think you forget who my father is. Jeremy Winters is the fucking director of that shit." I was surprised with the amount of swear words I was using, but they were my only acceptable choice; otherwise I would stab Liam on the leg and leave him alone.

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