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"I am not particularly fond of surprises, Harry." I stated, feeling slightly dizzy because he was leading me somewhere and I couldn't see a thing.

"I hope you like this, because it was a lot of work to do this here, so please don't laugh at me." I would never laugh at him but I was becoming impatient. Just when I was about to protest and ask him to see, his hands were no longer covering my eyes.

The sight in front of me was outstanding and I felt like crying, simply because Harry had gone out of his plans to surprise me with such a thoughtful arrangement.

It was something along the lines of a pillow fort, lit up with small fairy lights that left a dim illumination and the perfect scenario for romance.

"I thought we could have a quiet night in? The boys are dealing with our other problems for the night." He was being cautious, trying not to stir anything inside of me that would potentially lead us to another argument.

"Where are all the canvas and brushes and paints?" I asked him, still in awe with the fact that Harry had gone incredibly out of his way. It almost made me forget he would get into a suicidal mission for me.

"Louis helped me." He simply answered, and despite the fact that I wanted to stay mad at him forever, I just couldn't help the grin spreading across my face. Harry being remotely romantic was something unique, and I barely had had the chance to witness that side of his personality.

"It looks amazing." I admitted, looking around and remembering the day he asked me to pose for a portrait. It felt like it had been years ago.

"Not too cheesy?"

"No. Perfectly romantic." I told him, already removing my shoes and thanking heavens for the comfy clothes I had on. Harry took notice of my actions and did the same, until we were both laying down, silently holding hands. The dim lit atmosphere almost made me sleepy, and even though I wanted to talk to him, I didn't know how, not without bringing up unpleasant subjects.

"My favourite colour is probably black or green, and I like it when people run their hands through my hair. If I had a daughter I would probably name her Rose, and if I had a son I would name him Arthur. Once, a girl told me my nose was shaped like a penis and I never got over that." His last statement made me laugh aloud, but I was hoping he wouldn't stop talking. All those little things I didn't know about him, I was eager to find out more about them.

"I like when women wear dresses and I know the lyrics to almost every song the Backstreet Boys have ever performed. My favourite movie is Love Actually or maybe even Titanic, but I also love Fast and Furious. If I had to eat only one thing for the rest of my life I would probably choose pizza. Once, I lost a bet to my sister and she straightened my hair and took pictures of it." Once again I laughed, coming closer to his body until my head was resting against his chest.

I could feel the strong heartbeat, and it occurred to me that I wouldn't trade his presence for anyone else in the entire world. The thought was scary and brought up the dreadful word one more time. Love.

"My first con happened when I was 18. I was in love with her but I still performed the con nevertheless, and I regretted it deeply. That is the reason why I never got involved with someone else after her." He paused and looked down at me with tenderness. "Until you came along."

His words made my stomach flutter and my heart swell with the unwanted feeling. With a quick move I leant up and pecked his lips, making him smile slightly.

"Thank you, for telling me all this, for setting this up, for protecting me. I don't think I have ever acknowledged how much you do for me." I told him, receiving a full boyish grin in return. His dimples were on full display, making me poke them with interest. Harry rolled his eyes, although I knew he was enjoying my contact.

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