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Dear Readers,

It's been great writing for you guys. I love the amount of feedback I have gotten with publishing this book. It's amazing how lovely each one of you are, but I didn't write this book for the fun of it. Although this was awesome to write and publish for you all, this was a message to the world.

It is not okay to judge.

Stereotyping a person is a crime in my book. It's an awful thing to do, yet it happens all the time. I know that the world isn't perfect and won't change due to some silly teenager writing a book, but it might make a difference to someone.

Whether you're smart, gay, dumb, a delinquent, a jock, a slut (gosh I hate this word), a junkie, goth, popular, skinny, or overweight.. it's okay. As long as you are yourself, it's alright! Trust me on this, you're beautiful.

I know not everyone is going to fit in with the world because we're all different. If you don't like the person you are today, change yourself into someone you love! It is okay to change. Don't let anyone stop you from doing you.

As long as you love yourself, who cares about that other people think? And even if you don't genuinely like yourself, you shouldn't mope around about an outrageous comment. You need to go live your life and stop giving a damn about a snide insult. I know they hurt and are horrible, but they're going to continue to hurt until you start paying no mind to them.

Now, I'm not trying to force you to do anything or praise about some stupid "be yourself" bullshît because let's be honest here, hearing someone tell you that constantly is annoying as fûck. All I'm trying to do is inform you on a problem that NEEDS to be resolved.

If you are one to judge, you need to reconsider your life choices. And that goes out to everyone because let's face it, we all judge. It a natural habit! But there are ways to do it without hurting someone. If you notice that you are judging someone, please keep it to yourself. You don't need to announce to that person and crush their feelings, it's unnecessary and downright fûcking rude.

I guess I should stop here because we don't need this turning into a rant book. God knows I don't have time to do that.. I have celebrities to stalk, ice cream that needs to be eaten, and Harry Styles to fawn over!

So anyways, I love each and every one of you guys, honestly. All of you are amazing and beautiful human beings.

Now let's go stuff our faces with food and stop letting other people get to us. :)

All the love,
Lil x

^ P.S. Yes I did just pull a Harry styles, FIGHT ME.

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