Simon & Tami

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This one shot is for @TamiiiJ17
Hope you like it!

*Tami's POV*
I giggled as I walked out of Hollister with Jenny, holding onto the numerous bags hanging off of my arms.

"What shop next?" Jenny smiled as she looked at me. I looked around at the shops surrounding us - Westfield was huge. I paused as I spotted a sign then turned back to Jenny. "Umm, can we go there?" I asked as I pointed at it. Jenny followed my finger and shook her head. "You and your weak bladder." She chuckled before following me towards the sign above the toilets.


I came out of the cubicle and washed my hands before turning to Jenny. "Actually, I kinda need to go now." Jenny nervously smiled. I chuckled and shook my head. "Who has a weak bladder now?" I said as I took all the shopping bags from Jenny. She smiled at me before going into a cubicle. I turned around and looked into the mirror, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear. I smiled as I imagined Simon tucking it behind, remembering his soft touch and warm hugs. I absolutely loved Simon to bits - he meant the world to me.

"Ok, let's go." Jenny sighed as she came out of the cubicle and washed her hands. She watched me in the mirror. "What are you thinking about?" She asked, noticing my slight blush. I looked down before looking back up at Jenny who was smirking at me. "What is it Tami?"

"I was just wondering... Maybe we can go Victoria's Secret?" I muttered, trying to hide my blush. "Oh." Jenny mumbled, before breaking into laughter. "You kinky shit." She laughed, shaking her head. "Wanna supply Minter's eyes with real booty instead of animated huh?" She chuckled. I covered my face with my hand, chuckling into it. "Oh god Jenny." I sighed, turning to her as we both laughed.

"Well come on then!" Jenny laughed grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the toilets. We speed walked out, a mess of giggling and laughter. Jenny looked around, searching for the Victoria's Secret sign, when all of a sudden her smile died. She stared ahead at something, anger taking over her expression. "Jenny?" I asked, worried. I followed her gaze and froze as my eyes rested on what she was staring at.

My eyes immediately stung with tears as my heart cracked. I watched the scene - Simon, walking hand in hand with another girl. They stopped in front of a jewellery store, looking through the windows. The girl pointed at a bracelet, smiling at Simon as he nodded. She giggled and wrapped herself around Simon's arm as they moved away from the window and walked into the shop.
I finally blinked and looked down at the floor. My breathing rapid as my heart pounded, shattering as it beat itself up.

"Tami?" Jenny whispered, placing a hand softly on my shoulder. I looked up at her, tears running down my face. "What did I do wrong?" I asked, my voice cracking as I started to sob loudly. Jenny shook her head before enveloping me in a warm hug, comforting me as I cried. "You know what, I'm gonna go speak to that two timing dickhead and teach him what a loyal person is like." Jenny said as we parted. The rage and anger colouring her face a bright red.

"No, Jenny. Don't. It's obviously clear what he wa-"


I turned around as I heard the familiar voice. "Vikk?" I whimpered, breaking into more tears as he approached me, his face crumpled with worry and confusion. He immediately hugged me, holding me as I continued to cry. "What happened?" He asked Jenny, covering me in his arms.

"Simon." Jenny spat back, anger taking over her. "You look after Tami. I'm gonna go make sure he's infertile for the rest of his life." Jenny raged through gritted teeth before walking off.

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