Ethan & Joy

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This one shot is for @SidemenXIX2015
Hope you enjoy!

*Joy's POV*

"Joy, you gonna come?" Simon asked. Him and all of the Sidemen were waiting for me, they wanted to go out and get drinks. "Nah, I'm just gonna clear up the booth and go back to the hotel. I'm pretty tired." I replied, stuffing a bunch of paper into my bag. "Ok babes, I'll see you later yeah?" Ethan walked over to me and kissed my cheek. I nodded. "Look after yourself." He started walking over to the door. "Love you Ethan!" I shouted after him. "Love you too Joy!" He shouted back.

We were at Insomnia and had just finished our meet and greets. I had a different booth from the Sidemen and more then 200 fans turned up to meet me. I was a pretty successful YouTuber and the Sidemen helped me out with my channel a lot. They were my best friends and Ethan was my boyfriend, who I loved a lot.

It took me around 2 hours to tidy up the booth and get all my stuff. I was seriously tired but had an amazing day. It was so nice to meet my fans, the people who had made my life perfect. They were really cool and it was nice to have a chat with them.

On my way to the hotel, a bunch of fans found me and started asking me for pictures and asked a load of questions. Even though I was really tired, I happily took silly selfies and answered some pretty disturbing questions.

It was around 4 in the morning and I was finally in the hotel, I got some take away on the way to the too. I walked down the hotel corridor, yawning and rubbing my eyes. Josh was walking down the corridor and spotted me. "Hey Joy, where were you? We came back about an hour ago but you weren't here." He looked just as tired as me, with bags under his eyes. "There were some fans on the way here. Hanged out with them for a bit." I replied, smiling as I remembered the amount of fans that turned up throughout the whole day.

"Cool." Josh said before looking down at the takeaway in my hands. Vikk came running down the corridor, "Joy! You got food!" I sighed. Of course. They hadn't exactly eaten properly the whole day. I handed the takeaway over to Josh. "You guys can share right?" Josh seemed uncertain. "Isn't this for you?" I shook my head and smiled. "I'll get Ethan to get some food for us." Josh smiled and handed the bag to Vikk. "We're sharing," he said before turning to me, "by the way, Ethan got really drunk so make sure he doesn't throw up on you or anything and thanks Joy. We were starving." He patted my shoulder. "It's no problem." I replied before we walked to our rooms.

I twisted the handle of mine and Ethan's room to find it unlocked. I sneaked in quietly, Ethan was probably asleep. I looked around the room and saw it was really messed up. Both of our luggages were open and had clothes spilling out of it. I spotted a trail of clothes on the floor, leading to the bed, then my eyes saw what was there.

My heart froze. Tears began forming as I stood there, my brain emptying yet filling with thoughts. I stared at what was in front of me. Ethan... With someone else lying next to him. A girl. But who? Tears began rolling down my cheeks. No, I don't care who the girl is. The fact is Ethan is sleeping with someone else while I'm his girlfriend. My body stopped working as I silently cried, looking at Ethan and the girl sleeping together.

I walked out of the room when my legs finally started working again and sobbed in the corridor. I heard a door in front of me open and looked to see it was Simon. "Joy, what's wrong?" He asked, worried. I continued sobbing, finding it difficult to breathe.

Simon started walking towards me but then we heard someone moving in my room. I ran past Simon, into his room and stood there, crying. Simon walked over to me, "Joy, what's wrong?" He shook me a little with both hands on my shoulders. "Ethan... Ethan is... sleeping with... someone else." I managed to say between sobs.

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