Ethan & Jasmine

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This one shot is for @SDMNXJasminee
Hope you like it!

*Jasmine's POV*
"Boot it!"

"Jassy here!"

"He's not on your team!"

"Jassy kick it here!"

I looked between all the boys, confused, before closing my eyes and kicking the ball. I heard a loud thud and then screaming and laughter. Did I score? Did I get the ball in the goal? Was I actually good? I opened my eyes smiling, thinking I had scored; but my smile immediately died as I realised what I had done.

Ethan lay on the floor, blood covering his face. The boys were surrounding him, some still laughing and some consulting him. I gasped in shock before running over and sitting on my knees next to Ethan.

"You did a well good shot Jassy." Freezy laughed, patting my back. I shook my head and turned to Ethan, who was clutching his nose and moaning. "I'm so sorry Ethan." I said as I slowly moved Ethan's hand away from his face and examined the damage. "Oh my god." I muttered as I realised I had broken his nose. I held Ethan's hand and turned to the boys. "We need to take him to the hospital. I broke his nose." I guiltily said. The boys nodded and helped Ethan up.

I stood next to him and let him put his arm around my shoulder to help him walk eventhough his legs were fine. His head was rolling around slightly on his shoulders and he closed his eyes as we led him to Freezy's car. I helped Ethan get into the front seat while the rest of the boys got into their cars.

"I'm so sorry Ethan." I frowned as I wiped some blood away with a tissue. Ethan shook his head and mumbled something I couldn't understand. Freezy went to put some equipment in the back. I looked at Ethan who smiled at me weakly. I bit my lip, the damage was bad but Ethan was still smiling, he was still adorable.

I looked down as I realised I had started staring at him. "Umm, let me do your seatbelt." I quietly said as I pulled the belt over Ethan and leaned over to clip it in. I slowed down on purpose to take in what was happening. I was close to Ethan, very close. I breathed deeply, inhaling the smell of his perfume.

We became level with each other as I straightened up from putting on his seatbelt, he was staring at me, locking me in a trance. My eyes trailed down to his lips, which had a little blood on it. Before thinking I had put my hand on his face, my thumb gently rubbing away the blood. Ethan watched me as I carefully wiped away the blood. We caught each other's eyes again, unable to get out of the trance.

"Jassy!" I jumped at Freezy's voice. I moved my hand away from Ethan who shrunk at the loss of contact. "Get in the car, the rest are gone." He waved to the back seat as he walked around to the driver's side. I nodded before looking back to Ethan who gave me a small smile. I smiled back awkwardly before closing his door and getting in the back.


"It's bad." I winced as I sat in Ethan's flat, staring at his bandaged nose.

"It's ok." Ethan shrugged, sitting back on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry." I said, guiltily.

"It's fine Jassy, honestly. At least it'll make a good video." Ethan chuckled. I scoffed and shook my head, looking down at the floor, hiding the bright red glow on my cheeks.

"I do want to ask you something though." Ethan said. I closed my eyes, praying for him to not mention the car situation.

"What was that in the car?" He asked. I bit my lip and cursed myself. I looked up at Ethan who was smirking. "Ummm... I don't know." I mumbled, shrugging. Ethan smiled at the floor before looking up at me and speaking. "I think we had a cute moment. I liked it. I like you Jassy." He blushed.

I looked down at the floor, hiding my blush. "I like you too Ethan." I mumbled.

"Maybe we could hang out? Watch some movies and binge." Ethan asked.

I looked up at him and grinned. "I'd love to." I managed to say in a slightly squeaky voice. My throat was tight and my stomach was bubbly. Ethan smiled back and nodded.

"Food!" Simon yelled as he came into the flat with the rest of the boys. "You do a good job baby sitting Ethan, Jassy?" Cal asked as he put bags on the counter. I looked over at Ethan and grinned. "Never been better." Ethan chuckled.

I got up and got pizza for Ethan and myself and sat down next to him as the others joined us, chattering away in their own conversations.

"So, do you break something in every guy you like?" Ethan laughed. I frowned at him before bursting into laughter, shaking my head and blushing. We continued talking and laughing as we ate, falling into a trance every now and then. And I didn't fully regret hitting Ethan with that ball, because it was what made everything come together and be so perfect.

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