Tobi & Jessica

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This one shot is for @Xjessicarobertsonx
Hope you like it and I am so sorry about the lateness

If you want you can listen to the song I mention in the story - its Around the World by Natalie la Rose and I think it goes with the plot but you can listen to something else or nothing at all!

If you are going to listen to the song I mention, I'll let you know when to start listening!

*Jessica's POV*
"Jessica, this is Harry, Ethan, Josh, Vikk, JJ and Tobi." Simon pointed at each Sidemen who waved at me. I smiled at all of them, finishing with Tobi who particularly caught my eye. "Guys, this is my twin sister - Jessica." Simon said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Good thing you're not identical twins." Harry sighed and made a disgusted face towards Simon. Simon kissed his teeth and cursed at Harry under his breath. The rest of us burst into laughter and looked between the two who gave each other a stare-off.

"Let's not fight you two." Tobi said before walking towards me. "Do you want a drink? Maybe get away from your brother?" He chuckled as he watched Simon and Harry argue over who won the stare-off. I nodded, smiling at Tobi who had gained hold of my hand and held it softly. I was shivering inside at the contact and my spine felt tingly. I tightened my grip on Tobi's hand, trying to memorise what his touch felt like - I didn't want to forget it.

We went into the kitchen where Vikk and Josh joined us, getting juice for us. The four of us sat on the stools around the counter and chattered away while the rest of the boys played Fifa, mixed in with small arguments.

During the two hours I was at the Sidemen house I had become quite close to Tobi. He was kind, funny and a really chilled guy - he was perfect. I couldn't help but stare intently as he spoke, his perfect lips stretching into beautiful smiles and his eyes brightening as he laughed. I had developed a liking to him. I felt something around him, something special, and the feeling grew as we hanged out - I liked Tobi, and I was getting a vibe that he liked me too.


"Tobi?" I yelled as I went into our apartment. I walked into the kitchen and put the shopping on the counter. A cold breeze hit me as I put the shopping away. I looked to the window which had been left open and smiled as I remembered the party at which Tobi and I confessed we fancied each other on the balcony. We had come a long way since that beautiful night - it had been 2 years and we were still together.

(Start the song and read at a normal pace, please don't rush. I've left little time phrases such as 'chorus' and 'beat drop' so you know where to be. If you reached the time phrase before the part of the song you should be in, just wait. I'm really hoping this song goes with the plot and makes things emotional.)

I put on some music as I put the rest of the shopping away. I wondered whether Tobi had come back home yet - he had gone on a night out with his friends to which I opted out of. He had been busy lately and was out a lot on errands so he deserved to hang with the boys for a while.

I finished with the shopping and Around the World by Natalie la Rose came on, the voice introducing her, making me turn the volume up and make it vibrate through the whole flat. I looked around the flat, taking my hair out as I sang along. I moved along, whipping my hair and shaking my hips with the beat.

I dreamt of Tobi and I walking along a beach, me walking in front of him, going into his arms and kissing his cheek and ear, making him smile. I dreamt of us staring into each others eyes and then staring into the sea, holding each other. I could feel his hand on mine, his lips on mine, I could make out the feeling of his hair as I ran my hand through it. I loved Tobi, and I wanted to be with him more then anything.

I danced for a while and as the chorus came in, I thought of Tobi as I sang along with the song. "If I was your girl, if I was your girl, I'd give it to you all around the world." I loved him a lot and he meant the world to me, but for some reason I felt as if something was different - as if I wasn't his girl.

The beat dropped and the emotions hit me. All of a sudden I felt sad, scared, disappointed. The song sounded upbeat and fast, but the lyrics gave it a completely different story. What if I wasn't Tobi's girl? I wouldn't be able to give him anything. What if I was just another girl he fell in love with for a while? No, we had been together for 2 years - that wouldn't be possible, could it?

As the chorus died down, I fell deep into thought. Tobi meant everything to me, I would do anything for him. I loved him - I loved him so much. Words couldn't describe how much I loved him, I was terrified of losing him.

He was reserved these days, and as the song carried on I thought of everything. His smile, his frown, his brightness, his darkness. But why was the darkness standing out to me? Why was I so scared?

I thought of when we last had an argument, just two days ago. I frowned as I realised our arguments had become more frequent, and our romance had decreased. But he was just busy, he had a lot of responsibilities. He had given up a lot of things for us, but so had I. We were strong, we loved each other, didn't we?

The chorus came in again as I sat on the sofa, holding my head in my hands. What was wrong with me? What was I thinking? I closed me eyes, trying to stop thinking of those horrid things, but they weren't leaving; they lingered on, haunting me.

"If I was your girl, if I was your girl..."
If I wasn't Tobi's girl, what was I?

The beat dropped again and I breathed deeply as all the thoughts and flashbacks ran through my mind. I didn't want to lose Tobi, I loved him. I felt as if I was drowning in gloom and darkness. What was happening? I was happy, Tobi was happy, we were happy. But it didn't seem right, something was wrong, but what was it? What was this horrible thing I was feeling?

I took my jacket off and listened to Fetty rap as I went down the hall to mine and Tobi's room. I was distracted as I thought deeply. Why was I thinking those things in the first place? Weren't Tobi and I happy? We had to fight for each other, we had to fight against Simon for each other. We achieved our love, our right to be together. We had instantly fallen for each other, as soon as we met. And our love for each other was constantly growing, but was it just my love that was constantly growing? Did Tobi even love me?

We hid behind Simon's back, afraid of him, but then Tobi told Simon, and eventhough Simon beat him up, Tobi stayed strong. He resisted Simon, for me - because he loved me.  Because I was his girl. We were together, and we had been together for years. We had trust, love and faith in each other. I trusted him, and I loved him.

I hung my jacket up on a hanger as the song quietened for a bit with Natalie singing. And that was when I turned around to see Tobi, with someone else, in our bed. The beat dropped as I stared at the scene in front of me. "J... Jessica." Tobi stuttered, fear and regret in his eyes.

I shook my head before breaking into tears and running out of the room. I leaned against a wall as I cried so much that there was no noise. Tobi didn't come out of the room, and as I stood there against the wall, my heart broken, I hated myself. There were signs, so many signs. And I didn't catch any of them. The way Tobi was always quiet around me, the way he would always be alert.

"Jess... Jessica." Tobi finally came out of the room, yelling for me, his words slurred. I covered my mouth as I muffled my sobs and hid behind a wall. Tobi was drunk. He had slept with someone else. He cheated on me. It was all fake, all the love, the trust, everything was gone.

I slid down the wall, my mouth open in a silent scream as the tears streamed out. And as the music faded away, my world came crashing down.

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