Harry & I

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"Can someone who knows how to fix a motorbike plz contact me. I'll pay for a Uber to pick you up. :)"

I read the tweet and decided to reply, "I'll do it - I work in a garage. But only if you pay me good." I put my phone down and bit my lip as I thought of how I kinda twisted the truth - Yeah, I work in a garage but it wasn't really on the fixing side of things - more on the cleaning up and accountancy side of things. My dad owned a garage and I helped him out with the business. I had helped him here and there with a few cars, but not much more.

I shook the thought away as there wasn't much point in me worrying about it - it was hardly likely that Harry would actually read my tweet, let alone accept my offer. I turned off the TV and went upstairs to have a shower and get ready to go out with the girls.

I was ready. Makeup, hair, shoes, clothes - all on point. I was wearing a burgundy Sidemen jumper, skinny jeans, converses and a Beast hat with the Sidemen wristbands. I grabbed my keys and phone before leaving the house to go to Westfield and meet up with my friends.

I scrolled through twitter as I sat on the bus. Suddenly, a notification led to me fangirling. I squealed and shook my whole body as tears welled up in my eyes - Harry started following me. A few seconds later, another notification popped up. Harry had DMed me! I read through the message, crying a little.

"Hey, I saw your tweet - can you fix it?" I squealed again and continued shaking as I sent my reply. "Hey, sure! I can do it." I looked up to see a whole bunch of people on the bus were staring at me. Oh god. I wiped my tears and got off the bus. I didn't care what they thought - Harry knew I existed! I walked the rest of the way to Westfield - I needed some fresh air and I was more then halfway there already.

I met up with my friends and we had shopped around for a while before going to Nando's for lunch. We sat there, fangirling. My best friend fangirled over Andy Biersack while I fangirled over the Sidemen. I told all of them about Harry and they laughed as I described what Harry was like. Clumsy, funny, dumb... But adorably cute and nice.

Just as our order arrived, I received another notification - Harry had DMed me again! "You are legit tho right?" I chuckled as I replied. "Yeah, 100%. Seriously." How much more 'legit' could I be? I sent a picture of me and my dad in front of a car we had just fixed, dirt all over my face. My dad smiling with his arm around my shoulders. I smiled at the photo, that car was completely wrecked, but my dad fixed it to make it look brand new again.

"Haha, cool. I got it. By the way, are you in Nando's by any chance?" Harry replied. What? Wait, what? How did he know? I looked around, he wasn't here. "Yeah, how do you know?" I sent. I looked down at my phone, confused.

Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around. "I could see you from outside the window."

It was Harry!

Harry sat down at our table, Calfreezy with him. "Oh... My... God." I stuttered out, the air had dissapeared. My best friend rubbed my back, "It's ok, breath Masuma." I nodded and obeyed. The rest of the gang stared at me, trying to suppress their laughter. Harry chuckled, "I am talking to the right person right?" I nodded back, my breathing going back to normal. "Cool, so uhh... Masuma... How are you?"

For the next hour or so, we just talked. Me, my friends, Harry and Cal. They ordered some food and had lunch with us and it was an amazing time. It felt like we had all known each other for ages.

"So, Masuma, do you wanna come over and fix the bike? I'll pay for the food you guys just had." He looked around at my friends. We shook our heads. "It's fine. It was lucky enough for us to be able to chill with you." I replied. Harry shook his head, "Well, maybe come to the apartment and chill with us some more?"

I looked around at my friends who were shaking their heads. "Gotta go home. Got tests and shit to do." They replied. I looked back at Harry who seemed slightly disappointed. "Ok, but I better see you guys soon." He said. "Don't worry. Masuma will give you our numbers." My bestie replied as she tucked her chair in. "See ya." She patted my shoulder and the rest of my friends left, waving bye to us. I looked back at Harry and Cal. "Well, guess we better get going then." Cal said as we all got up.

We were at the apartment, down in the car park where I was working on Harry's bike. Cal stayed in the apartment so it was just me and Harry. It was pretty awkward, working on the bike while Harry just watched. I rode it around at first and Harry explained the problem to me. I frowned as I inspected the bike, nothing seemed to be wrong. "It makes a really weird noise, listen." He said. I revved and leaned forward on the bike - it sounded normal. I looked back at Harry to see he was staring at me without blinking. I cleared my throat and he jumped slightly before looking around, blushing red.

I continued looking at the bike. Five minutes later I worked it out. Harry was complaining about some noise - that noise was normal. It was meant to be there! I explained this to him and he blushed red as he apologised. "It's ok, but If you want I can try and muffle it." He smiled and nodded and I set to work.

It took me about half an hour to get the job done. I was pretty tired at the end. Harry rode around the car park for a while before thanking me. "It's fine." I smiled as I tidied my equipment. I looked up and he was trying to hide a grin. "What?" He shook his head and moved forward. My breathing slowed down as he stood an inch away from me. He smiled and rubbed my cheek. "You had dirt." He quietly said, looking into my eyes. I blushed and looked down, "Uhh, thanks?" I whispered.

He lifted my chin with his hand, a little smile on his face. He looked into my eyes, hypnotising me with his eyes. He started leaning forward and I closed my eyes. I could feel his breath on my lips as his lips brushed on mine. "Uhum..."

We broke apart and saw Cal looking at us with his arms folded. I looked down as I turned bright red. We didn't even kiss! It was just a slight brush and then Cal came in! "I see you two have fixed the bike." He said with one eyebrow raised. "Yeah." Harry said as he slid his hand into mine. He turned to me, "You wanna go for a drive?" He asked. He held my hand tighter. I looked down at our hands and looked back up as I squeezed his hand. "Yeah."

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