Chapter 2

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New chapter!

And this time, I actually attempted to edit a bit of it :)

pic of Jenna-------------------->


Chapter 2

Jenna’s POV

“Got the chocolate milks?” I asked Lei as she took a seat beside me at the lunch table.

She smirked at me devilishly, opening up her bag wide enough for me to see four chocolate milks stored in there. “One for the both of us. And two extras just in case we’re still in a chocolate mood.”

“You see, this is why I love you.” I told her, taking a bite of my cheeseburger.

She laughed. “Whatever.”

I was about to speak again when I noticed that boy eyeing me. He was sitting a couple tables away from us with a bunch of the jocks of the school. Seeing as he was new, I couldn’t see to comprehend why and how he even got a seat at that table. And why he wasn’t even eating. Before I knew it, our eyes met and I tore away from his gaze, blushing. God, why am I even blushing?

“What’s up?” Lei whispered, glancing at where I was looking.

I sat up quickly. “Nothing!”

She raised a brow. “Oh really? Well, cute boy lovingly gazing at you at 3 o’clock.”

“He’s not lovingly—“

“Ah! Got you! I knew there was something up.” She grinned and leaned closer towards me. “Do you like him?”

“No!” I screamed, a little too loudly that a couple of eyes went to me. I gripped Lei’s wrist when she started to snort. “I don’t like him.”

“Then he likes you?”

“No way. That’s disgusting.” I fake gagged.

She looked over at the boy who was still had his eyes on me and gave a low whistle. “Nu uh. There’s nothing disgusting going on with that one, J.”

“Eww, Lei. Really?”

“Yes really.” She shot back just as the bell rang. “Next class. Lovely.” She sighed and threw he backpack over her shoulder. “Gotta go. See you later at study hall, J. And do not think you’re getting out of talking about Mr. Hotstuff over there. Got it?”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile. He actually is pretty hot. “Fine.”

She grinned and scurried off into her next class.

When I started to turn away, I bumped into someone. I really wasn’t too surprised that it was the boy from last night. “We seriously have to stop bumping into eachother like this. It’s getting old.”

“You’re the one who doesn’t look where she’s going.”

“You’re the one who’s built as a fucking wall.” I said, rubbing my arm. “I’m issuing an assault charge the next time this happens.” I told him as I started to walk away.

“Look,” He grabbed my arm. “That came out wrong. Can we just talk for five minutes without arguing?”

I was about to protest but instead I nodded hesitantly. I wanted to hear what he had to say. “Sure. I have an off period now anyways.”

He took a seat across from me at the library table, tossing his backpack off to the side.

“So, what exactly do you want to talk about?” I asked him.

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