Chapter 14 Family and Possessions

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Solenia's p.o.v

I went through the portal thinking about how much Damion loves me and Luna.P, nothing could break us apart.

I walked with LunaP at my side, she has not said one word since we crossed through, I looked at her and her eyes were opened in amasment, this was her first time seeing clouds. Eventually I found my Dad standing tall and proud guarding....well nothing.

He always told me when I was younger to never inperupt him unless it was important, he always had to be on gaurd. "Hey Dad!" I called. He instantlly turned to my direction.

"Solenia!" he walked over and hugged me. "What brings you here?" I didn't even answer his question, his eyes slowly made thier way to Luna.P

. "Oh and who's this little one?" he asked while tickling her neck, that's where Damion is ticklish too. "Daddy this is Luna.P your granddaughter." His eyes widened.

"T-This is my....Granddaughter! you mean to tell me that you had..." "Yep painfull as hell but worth it!" "Luna.P what a wonderfull name." "Luna.P this is Grandpa." "Grapa" "Yes grandpa." I handed her to my dad to get a better look at her.

"She's just beautiful, she has Damion's eyes and and both of your hair, and she definitly has your nose." "Ha ha!" after Dad got a good look at her and played with her for a bit we went to the jail to visit my Uncle robert. But before we went inside we stopped by Toby and played a game of tic-tac-toe, Bad idea, Luna.P now has the nickname Cheater jr.

"Uncle Robert!" he turned around with jelly all around his mouth. "Solenia! What brings you here darling?"

"Well I wanted to introduce you to someone." "Oh all right you know i'm always up for meeting someone new who is it." I pulled Luna.P in front of me. "Well who is this little one here?" he said kneeling down shaking her hand. "Uncle Robert this is Luna.P my Daughter." "Your Daughter! When did this happen?"

"3 month's ago." "Man 3 month's ago wow how time fly's." "Luna.P this is your great Uncle Robert." Luna.P went over and Gave him a little hug. "Great Uncle Solenia your making me feel old."

"Uncle Robet." She said trying to pronouce his name. "Ha...that's right little one. She's very beautiful Solenia" "Thankyou Uncle." "Well your mother is sane if you wanna show Luna.P to her." "Uh...I think I'll pass I don't trust her with Luna.P...maybe when she's a bit older."

"I understand I'll tell her about her." "Thank-you Uncle Robert. We must get going." "Alright I'll see both of you later on." I waved bye to him. "Wave bye-bye to Great uncle Robert." "Ba-ba." She waved. I opened a portal. It was time to meet Damion at the coffee shop.

End of p.o.v

Solenia was now on the street's walking with Luna.P in hand. They made it to the coffee shop and they were a bit early. Solenia grabbed a seat with a basket of muffins on the table and two coffee's and a small bottle of apple juice for Luna.P.

Solenia waited for Damion for an hour past thier meeting time. "Sigh....where is he?" he asked herself. "Excuse me?" a man asked. Solenia looked up at him. Her eyes widened. The man looked just like Damion but his hair was black and his eyes was yellow.

"Uh...Hi do I know you?" Solenia asked slowly taking in what she's seeing. "Yeah you do Know me." He said sitting down. "I do......? look really firmilliar to me." "It's been a few month's since you've talk to me." "Really?....Well sorry I've been really busy with this little one."

"She's beautiful, she look's just like her Dad." "So I do know you...but i've never seen you before...y-your voice sounds firmilliar." "I told you I would be here if you ever needed to talk or you needed company." "D-david?" "Hi Solenia."

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