Chapter8 A Dark Past

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"What do you mean the dream realm?!" Damion questioned. "It seem's like who ever's controling Caleb likes the dream realm." "Why?" Danny asked as they walked deeper.

"Well in the dream realm you can imagine what you's like a dream." "That's actually pretty cool!" Cage said. "Yeah but in this case it's dangerous so keep an eye out." Damion said. "Welcome all of you!"Caleb came out of the shadow's with strings attached.

"Caleb!" Cage said. "The one and only! I've been expecting you all." "You have?" "Yes I have, I want you to wittness the true power of the Crystal...In the right hands!" his tone changed. "Guys get ready!"

"AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO YOUR WEAK YOU PRACTIALLY DEPENED ON THOSE POWERS!" he said. He morfed into a tiny bit bigger version of himself his wing's were bigger and he had all the Element's as a shield.

It was air, fire,light, Electricity,water and earth was thickest. They all tried attacking but it didn't do anything and they were running low on energy. "Ok we are getting nowhere!" "Yeah and were not going to if that shield is up."

And Idea popped into Damion's head. "Ok we're going to take down that shield!" "But how?!" Solenia asked. "Ok so were going to take down each according to each layer." "That's smart!" Danny said.

"Ok so Vira your first by taking down the earth layer, then Cage you frezze the water and puched it to break it, Then we have the Electric layer Cassidy you'll handle that layer, Amy you take care of the light layer, Solenia you take care of fire, and Danny the air layer." "Sounds good." They all said while dodging all of attacks while the plan was being explained.

They all started running towards him and they were fast because of their wings. "Damion what about you?" Solenia asked while running.

"After the shield is down I'm going to do a Moon punch, I learned it awhile ago, it's like a punch but 3 times as hard." She nodded. "HA JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN RUN FAST DOSEN'T MEAN I CAN'T SEE YOU!" "PLAN EXECUTE!" Damion yelled.

So the jumped one by one and each layer came down just as quick, and a few seconds after Danny took down the air layer. Damion jumped up and yelled. "ULTRA MOON PUNCH!" and Caleb landed on the ground with a big loud thud. "Yes we did it!"Amy cheered. "Now to get back the Crystal!"

Solenia said as she walked to his unconscience body. All of a sudden evil laughing apper all around them. "This stupid boy I knew he was useless." They looked around. "Who said that?" Vira asked.

"A spirit came out of Caleb's body to revil it to be Caleb's past self but in spirit form. "I knew it! I knew Caleb wasn't in control he would never go so low. "Yes you were right he was being stubborn so I took over his body.

But I can see why he was in love with and how the you managed to awaken the Crystal. The Will to see the people you love thrive, the Determination to protect your Kingdom and friends safe, and the fire that keep's that all together."

Solenia said nothing. "Well now let me show you what I can do with all that INDISE ME!" he turned into a complete demon he didn't even look like Caleb anymore.

Everyone had used most of their power's on defeating Caleb's body and they barley had any energy left. The dark of the past made giant winds to blow them off balance.

Caleb was starting to come too. "What have I done..." He said silently he looked at Solenia and the other's, Solenia made eye contact with him too.

The had them right where he wanted. They were all tierd out they had no energy left. "ANY LAST WORDS!" they all said nothing. "THEN DIE!" he shot all the Element's at once and it formed a giant swirling ball.

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