Chapter 11 Dream Realm Jail

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It's been 4 week's since the Dream Realm ball. Solenia was happy so was Damion but he didn't get to see her a lot because of him being away for most of the day and not even having the chance to talk to Solenia with all the girls around him. Anyway it was about 3 in the morning everyone was asleep.

Solenia jumped out of her sleep sweating, she couldn't understand why because she was wearing herred night crop top with spaghetti strap's that had a little white heart in the middle and her black night short's . She looked around and her eyes saw the clock. She then looked beside her to see Damion staring at the celing.

"Damion?" she said quietly. She didn't know if he was awake or not sometimes when he reads he sleep's with his eyes open to make it look like he's reading.

His head turned to look at her. "Hey you ok?" she didn't answer "How come you're up?" "I felt uneasy...It's weird like something's wrong."

"Your not the only one that's why I woke up in the first place I feel like something's not right...Oh by the way you're bow's been glowing for the past 20 minutes." She looked at her side table and pulled out the bow.

"Ok now something must be up." She made the wand apper and all the stones were blinking. "Everyone's up!" Damion said. (Solenia you awake?!) "Cage? Cage! What's going on?"

(You might wanna come outside everyone is here already) "We're on our way." She looked at Damion. "We got to go outside. Everyone is there waiting for us." She said. She hopped out of bed and tied her hair into a high pony tail.

They both ran down the hall and they were outside in no time. "Hey guys sorry we had to made you wait what's going on?" Cage looked at Solenia, he had never seen her in her Pajama's before, he looked at her from head to toe.

She snapped her finger's to snapped him back into reality. "Hey I'm up here!" "Right..Uh there's a whole bunch portal's appering everywhere!" "Wha! But....where dose it lead?!" Dmaion asked "We don't know?" Amy said.

"Hey Solenia your wand is glowing." Cassidy said. "Huh?" looked looked down at the wand to see the small gem that her dad had given her was glowing. "I think these portal's are the portal's to the Dream Realm."

"Well that explain's the cloud's." Danny said. "Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Caleb said as he was about to jump.

"Woah there these portal's are unstable I wouldn't go through them." "So how are we going to get to the dream realm?" Caleb asked. "I have my own way!" Solenia said.

"This mini mini gem allow's me and you guys to get to the Dream Realm!" "Yeah but what I don't understand is how are the portal's open aren't they supposed be like sealed off until the next Dream Realm ball."

"Yeah and my dad is supposed to make sure their sealed off extra tight...weird..well let's go see what he had to say about it."

Solenia made a portal, a stable one, they all went through and once all of them were through she closed it from their side and so did all the other portal's.

"Woah this is a lot bigger than last time." Cassidy said. "I think we landed in a different part of the Dream realm." Damion said. "Yeah we landed were my Dad usually stands to guard the gates."

She looked around but her dad wasn't there. "Speaking of which where is my dad?" she said. "Maybe he went for a break." "No my dad dosen't go for break's. let's walk for a bit." Solenia said. So they walked for 15 minutes and saw her dad.

"Dad!" Solenia yelled. He turned and waved. "Solenia, guys what are you doing here and what are you wearing?" he said examining all of them. "Oh it's night time on our side."

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