Chapter 3 Covered in ice

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"Well if he's on Earth it look's like we'll be going with you anyway." Damion said walking down the stairs along side Solenia. "Yeah we should tell the other's." Solenia suggested (Guys come to the throne room we have matter's to discuss.) they all responded in an instant.

They all met up in the throne room. "Guys we discovered that Caleb is on earth." Damion said. "Really!" they all said. "Huh that's weird why is he on earth the same time Solenia is going to earth?" "Yeah Danny's right it can't be a coincidence."

"Your right Cassidy it's not that's why were going with Solenia to investigate." "And I'll keep my eyes peeled if anything suspious is going on." "Right we'll go start packing." Lisa said. "What for?" Solenia asked. "Yeah we all have clothes at the condo already." "Condo? what condo?"

"Oh yeah you've never been...well I guess you can have Caleb's old room since he's not one of us anymore." Damion said.

"Ok so how are we getting there because I just got my hair dyed and I don't want it to be ruined by the portal." Amy said. "We can't use the's under matinance." "We can use my wand!" Solenia spoke up "Huh?" they all said.

"I can make portal's with it, it's something I learned how to do while I was in training sleep." "Ok well go for it." Vira said. She drew a giant circle and held her hand out, she twisted it like a key and an image of the condo appered. "Who want's to go first?" she asked standing beside it.

They all looked at Danny. "Why do you guys always want me to go first!" he said frustrated. Solenia laughed. "It's ok I'll save you the trouble by going first then you follow after Kay?" they all nodded.

Solenia stepped through it was like walking through a door. Soon everyone was through and in the living room of the condo.

"We made it safe and sound!" Amy said with a relife sigh. "You had doubt's."Solenia said. "Well yeah that was my first time taking that kind of transport so who know's what could happen."

"True...I should let you know then that I still haven't worked out all the kink's yet." "Kink's what kink's?" "Oh you know the usual inner part ending up on the outside or vise versa or growing a third hand you know those kind's of thing's." Solenia said toying with Amy

"Hey that's not funny!" "It kind of is." Danny said. "Alright, alright guys let's get settled in we might be here for a week or two on steak out so later when Solenia is leaving I'll go with her , the supermarket is on the way to her house."

"Sounds good!" they all said and went their separate ways. Solenia sat in her room with her legs crossed thinking about her mother. After thinking a bit to much she fell asleep in the process.

She had memories about moment's with her mom from child hood all the fun things they used to do and there was another child there to but she didn't remember who he is. Then after that all the memories started to burn and fly away with the wind and with each one that dissapered a voice whispered in her ear

"There can only be one'' she jumped out of her sleep. "Hey your awake, that's some nap you took." Damion said. Sitting at the edge of her bed. "Y-yeah I didn't mean to sleep so long." She just kept staring out the window.

"Well I'll be in the living room if you need me. Ok?" "Ok" Damion walked out of her room so she could be alone. Then her phone vibrated. "Hello?" (Hi Solenia it's Dad.) "Oh Hi I'm on earth I'll be there in the next hour or so."

(That's nice to hear anyway I called to tell you that we will be having one extra person staying with us for the week it's one of your old friends.. he will be sleeping on a blow up mattress and you both will be Sleeping in your old room I was wondering if it's ok.)

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