The Creek

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1 month after the coffee shop talk...

Lauren's POV

I've been avoiding Tyler because I kept thinking about what my sisters and Josh had told me. Maybe he wasn't right for me.
What's going on with me and Josh is really confusing. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about him or what he is feeling about me. It's just all really confusing.
When I first became friends with Josh he took me to this creek. It was so quiet and peaceful there. I needed that right now. I just wanted to think about everything going on in my life.
So I got in my car and started driving there. The whole ride there I thought about how when Josh moved to Miami I went to the creek all the time. Whenever I missed him I went there. Whenever I regretted leaving him, I went there.
I drive through the faint dirt path that led to the creek. When I got closer I noticed Josh's truck. I debated turning around at that very moment. Thinking that maybe it would be best not to see him considering he was one of the people that I wanted to go and think about. I pulled up next to his car and saw him sitting in the bed of his truck. As I got out he looked up and gave me a small smile.

Josh- "Hey what are you doing here?"

Lauren- "I was about to ask you the same thing."

Josh- "It was just a long day at work. I wanted to get away from everyone and just come sit and think about some stuff. What about you?"

Lauren- "Well when you left for Miami I kind of turned this into my quiet place to think too. To get away when I wanted some peace."

Josh- "I don't blame you. This is a pretty great place for that. Do you want to come sit?"
I nodded my head yes and hopped in the bed of his truck. He had blankets to sit on in the back to make it more comfortable. We sat there in silence, staring at the open nature around us. We were sitting at the end of his truck so that our feet could hang off of the end. We were close enough that are arms rested against each other. After minutes of silence I decided to speak up.

Lauren- "You were right you know... That day when you first brought me here, you said that one day I would find someone who loved me and appreciated me. Someone who made me feel like I was the best thing to ever happen to them."

Josh looked over at me. I gazed into his electric blue eyes that shined bright even as the sun was setting. I could feel my heart beating faster with each breath. We were closer than we were before. I could feel myself breathing heavier.

Lauren- "You know a few weeks ago when you said to pretend that you were just the friend at the miniature golf coarse?"

Josh- "Yeah.. I remember."

We inched closer with each breath.

Lauren- "Well right now can you pretend something for me? That day that you showed up at me house with flowers, can we pretend that never happened. Just for tonight. Please."

Josh gently grabbed the side of my cheek and then crashed his lips into mine. Our lips moved in sync. Every single feeling that I had for him came back from 3 years ago. All it took was his soft lips pressed against mine. He pulled back but had remained only inches away from my face.

Josh- "I've been pretending that night didn't happen since the day I left."

I pressed my lips back against his, our lips moving in sync once more before I finally pulled away to finish the statement I had originally started. I hopped off of the back of his truck and grabbed his hand, pulling him to this flat, green area next to the creek.

Lauren- "You were right because that guy was you. You made me feel like I was important to you. You were the only one who didn't have bad intentions. And when you were gone I would stand in this spot and look at this creek and think about how I let you go, because I was scared that someone like you must have been to good to be true. I blamed you for running away from being scared to talk about things but I ran away from you because I was scared that you wouldn't love me like I loved you. I know I said to pretend tonight. But you can't pretend forever and I want to be with you... It's you. It has been and it always will be you."

He cut me off by wrapping his arms around my waist while picking me up and pecking my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bracing him in a tight hug.

Josh- "So what are we? Is this just tonight? Or do you want to give us another chance?"

I smiled at him with both arms around his neck but one of my hands running through his hair.
Lauren- "I want to be with you for so much longer than just tonight."

Josh- " I didn't think I'd ever hear you say that again."

He gave me a cheeky smile and he pulled me into one more tight hug. I smiled while my face was pressed against his chest. I couldn't wipe that smile off my face for the rest of the night.

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