What If

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FFW 1 year... (Lauren is 22 at this point and Josh is now 23)

Josh and I have spent almost every day together since the day we got back together. We've been back together for over a year now. We are out on my back porch now because he's helping my sisters and I fix our patio cover. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't help much at all, I just watched. But he was the fix it guy so it was probably just easier for me to sit outside with him and keep him company.
Lauren- "Do you ever think about us, like when we were younger?"
Josh- "What do you mean?"
Lauren- "I mean do ever wonder what it would have been like if we didn't break up? I mean if we were further along in the relationship maybe we would be engaged or married--- sorry I know that's not really a small topic to drop."
Josh- "Don't. You apologize to much. And to answer your question, yeah I do think about the what ifs. But honestly I think that time apart may have been the reason we are stronger and better together now."
He stepped down off the latter he was standing on and walked over to me. I was sitting on one of the benches by the fire pit in the center of the patio. He grabbed my hands and sat down next to me. He put one arm around me and pulled me closer to him while still holding my hand with his other free arm. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. He held me tight and kissed my forehead once more before talking in a quiet voice.
Josh- "And just because we are not married now doesn't mean we are never going to be. So don't question the past thinking that we may be married if we didn't break up. Because I plan on being with you forever. I'm not in this relationship to quit. I'm in this relationship to do life with you, and fight for you, and love you even when if we can't stand to be around each other. So no more questioning the what ifs. It's you and me, we're going to get there babe."
I wrapped my arms around his waist since he still had one arm around my shoulder. My head now rested against his chest. I could feel the jumps of his heartbeat through his shirt. I looked up and kissed him. He smiled through the kiss which cause me to laugh.
Lauren- "You know it's kind of adorable when you smile while we kiss."
Josh- "Adorable? Am I 5?"
Lauren- "Well- you do act like it sometimes."
Josh- "Hey! I keep you young. If you didn't have me you would truly be an old woman already."
Lauren- "Nah Uh."
Josh- "Mhmm."
Lauren- "Take it back! Or you don't have to take it back but you could go take me to get ice cream."

I looked at him with pouty eyes and lips.

Josh- "Oh Laur! Don't do that! I'm not falling for puppy dog eyes!"

He avoided looking at me so he wouldn't take it back or drive to get ice cream. I kept looking at him and he glanced back at me. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

Josh- "You really suck. Pouty eyes should be off limits!!"

He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and looked over at me.

Josh- "Well- are we gonna go get ice cream or not?" He said and smirked at me knowing he lost.
Lauren- "Finally! Woohoooo!!"

Redeeming Love (Sequel to More than Friends- Lauren Cimorelli Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя