I'll Be Seeing You

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Josh's POV

I got out of training today and walked to this little hole in the wall sports bar. I lived in a really small, crappy apartment so I usually didn't spend much time there.
I sat there and ate and watched the game when something caught my eye. It looked like a promotion for an artist at this small venue in Miami where musicians come to play. I walked over to it to see if it was someone I'd want to see. Again, I did anything to stay out of my apartment. When I got to the poster poster I looked and smiled in admiration. "Lauren Cimorelli Acoustic Set- Friday at the Miami Live Lounge."
It continued at the bottom with prices for tickets and the address.
She did it. Even when Cimorelli ended, she's still living out her dreams and doing what she's passionate about. She's so driven and ambitious it's insane. There were tear off tabs at the bottom of the paper so you could take the information with you. I took one of the last 2 that were up there and smiled down at what was in my hand.
At that moment I didn't think about anything bad that had happened between us. I was just so happy for her. Maybe this was my chance to mend our broken relationship. Not even the actual relationship itself but just the friendship that we had. After so much time had passed I didn't see any point in ignoring each other anymore.
I've been to the Miami Live Lounge before and since it's a small venue the a artist usually come and hang out with the people in the crowd after they've finished their set. And if for some reason I get there and I feel like it's not a good idea to stick around I can always leave without her knowing I had even been there. But I want to go either way. I just want to see her and see how she is.

Fast Forward to Friday Night

I was getting ready and I wanted to look nice but I didn't want it to look like I was trying to hard. I mean we broke up so I shouldn't be trying to impress her but I also want to look presentable when I see her. I decided to wear black Jeans, a jean jacket and a baseball white T-shirt with grey sleeves underneath. I also put a beanie on my head over my messy brown hair and decided that I would leave the scruff I had on my face.
I was driving to her show and got there early enough to find good parking. I bought the ticket in advance so I knew that I'd be able to get in. Once I got there it was already pretty crowded. I waited in line outside while people walked through security and showed their tickets. I was getting closer to the door and with each step I got more anxious.
I know it's really stupid and I probably shouldn't even be here. I didn't tell Peyton because she would have flipped out, and to be fair it was probably with good reason to be mad. But I just needed to see her. When I used to look at her I could tell when she was happy, or sad or anxious. I needed to see her, I had to know that she was okay. And maybe seeing her would bring me healing at the same time. Maybe I would realize that there is no way we can be together again and I can finally move on.I went to go sit in my seat since the show was about to start.

Her show finally started and it was weird to see her again. She looked different, a good different. More mature and confident. She did an incredible acoustic set with original songs and covers. I know that I'm still in love with her but tonight I just couldn't help but smile because of how much she had grown in her self worth. It was so noticeable how she had moved past so many of her insecurities. When the show ended everyone moved out by where they had drinks and food that you could go buy. I went to go buy a bottle of water when I saw her walk out and begin to greet people. She stopped and talked to each person and spent time thanking them for supporting her. I stood in the very back and debated whether or not I should leave before she got to me. But I knew I wouldn't. She had finally greeted the last person before me. She looked up and our eyes met. I smiled at her and she gave me a real, genuine smile back.

Lauren- "Josh what are you doing here?" She said while smiling at me.
Josh- "Well, I heard that there was some really talented girl coming to play a show here and that it would be to good to miss out on. So I had to come check it out for myself." I gave her a gentle smile.
Lauren- "Well I hope she lived up to your expectations."
Josh- "Oh no.. She definitely exceeded them."
Lauren- "I didn't know you were still in Miami. I didn't think you'd stay so long."
Josh- "Well I'm actually moving back to Nashville next month after I finish up my training. What about you? I mean you were incredible up there. Are you touring?"
Lauren- "No not exactly. I'm just playing small venues. It's weird without my sisters. I'm just seeing if I'm able to do this without them or if I should stop and try something else."
Josh- "Well you seemed like you loved it up there. I think you are capable of doing anything that you're passionate about. You don't need anyone else up there, you killed it."
Lauren- "Thanks.." She said with a smile and her cheeks turning slightly red. "So you're coming back next month?"
Josh- "Yeah I'm actually going to move in with Robert and Drew."
Lauren- "So I'll be seeing you around again soon then right?"
Josh- "Yeah" I said my smile growing. "I'll be seeing you soon. I guess I should let you go talk to everyone else."
Lauren- " Wait.. Uh do you want to go get coffee and catch up tomorrow before I leave?"
Josh- "I'm actually going to be at this reception tomorrow."
Lauren- "Oh who's reception?"
Josh- "Uhm.. My girlfriends sister."
Lauren- "Oh... Well I'm sure you will have a great time." She said with a disappointed look.
Josh- "But hey I'll see you soon though. Maybe when I get back to Nashville we can catch up?"
Lauren- "Yeah! That sounds great!"

At that moment I regretted ever trying to move on from her. But I feel like that's what is best for her, she seemed like she was happy and doing well without me. And all I ever want is for her to be happy, even if that means sacrificing my own happiness.

Redeeming Love (Sequel to More than Friends- Lauren Cimorelli Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now