Chapter 26 - kaitlin

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"What are you doing today?" Justin asked as I fixed up my room

"Well today's Kaitlin's birthday, so I'm going to get her a present and then picking her up from San Francisco so she can spend the weekend with me, doing whatever" I smiled

"Can I tag along?" Justin smirked

"I don't know. You'll have to ask Kaitlin" I giggled "I've got to call her anyway"

I picked up my phone and called my dad. It rang a couple of times until he answered

"Hey, baby doll"

"Hey daddy, how have you been?" I smiled

"I've been doing well and I have some news for you" he chuckled

"Is it good or bad?"

"It depends on how you take it"

"Okay, tell me"

"You have another sibling on the way"

"Oh my gosh really, yay. I can't wait" I squealed causing my dad to chuckle

"I'm glad you took that well"

" Kaitlin there?" I asked

"Yea, hold on..."

I waited a few seconds until I heard my little sisters voice.

"Hey sissy" Kaitlin giggled

"Hey, do you wanna come down to L.A with me and spend the weekend?" I asked

"Yeeesss! Can I bring a friend?"

"Of course you can, but it has to be okay with her mom"

"Okay, we'll ask"

"Oh, Justin's here, he want to know if he can hang out with us too"

"Yea, he can, tell him I miss him" she laughed

"Okay, I will. I'm coming to pick you up at one"

"Okay, love you sissy"

"I love you too" I hung up and set my phone down

"Kaitlin said she misses you" I sat in his lap

"I miss her too" Justin wrapped his arms around my waist

"Are you getting her anything" I asked

"Why wouldn't I" Justin chuckled kissing my cheek

"Who's car are we going in?"

"Yours. You have more space in your trunk"


"So what are you getting Kaitlin?" We walked trough the mall

"I don't know yet" Justin wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"I'm gonna get her a big ass doll house and some Barbie dolls" I smiled up at him

His Baby ~ j.gWhere stories live. Discover now