Chapter 44 - Talking it out

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I walked back into Haileys home. I agreed on letting Jack take him for the rest of the day. I just want him to leave me alone for right now. My head is pounding and my heart is aching, life isn't doing me well at the moment. I honestly don't know what to think, my mind is blank.

I heard the door being open making me look in that direction. Hailey walked through with three bags of clothes.

"Hey cammy, where's Mikey?" Hailey asked

"He's with his dad" I spoke with no emotion

She pouted "aww. Did you drop him off or something?"

"No," I sighed "we ran into him at the grocery store, but I'm picking him up tomorrow" I sat down on the couch

"Why didn't you go with him? You've been sad all week and the one day you're happy and bump into him, you don't wanna get back with him?" Hailey set everything on the table and sat down beside me

"I do, but then, I don't. I'm confused and I don't know what to do" I closed my eyes

"What are you confused about, cam?"

"Justin and Jack" I mumbled

Hailey furrowed her eyebrows "I thought Justin moved on?"

"I did too, but every chance he gets he ends up kissing me and I don't know what to do about that"

"Well...what I think is, Justin's trying to make you fall for him again, so that you can leave Jack for good. But on the other hand, you still love Jack and you want to be with him, as your feelings for Justin are somewhat," she moved her hands looking for the right word "reappearing"

I nodded my head "I love how you can sum up my problems and feelings just like that"

Hailey lightly smiled "I think you should talk things out with Jack, and I'll talk to Justin about what he's doing"

"I guess I can do that" I stood up from the couch and headed upstairs

I took out my phone and called jacks recent. It rang a couple times before he answered.

"Cameron, I've been waiting for this call" I could tell he was smirking

"Yea, well I'm only calling because Hailey says I should talk to you" I sighed

"About what?"

"My feelings" laid back in the bed

"Do you want to talk in person?"

"No, I hate when you see me cry" I mumbled

"I've seen you cry for a long time, and when I get to hold you while you tell me your problem, is one of the reasons why I love you" Jack told me honestly

"I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of being sad, I'm tired of being hurt, but most of all...I'm just tired of being tired" I sighed

"I can't promise that I won't make you sad, but I can make up for hurting you. I'm gonna fuck up sometimes because, I'm not perfect. But I love you. Like do you realize how many memories we share in this house?" He asked

I smiled "yea"

"I want you to come back, because I can't live without you. I need you in my life right now"

He was about to cry, I could hear it in his voice.

"I'd like to come back" I whispered

"Please do, like...right now" he softly spoke

"I'll be there in a bit" I heard a small voice in the background

"Mikey wants to talk to you" I smiled "hi mommy"

"Hey Mikey man, what's going on?" I giggled

"I was pwaying in my woom"

"Was it fun?"

"Yep!" A big smile spread on my lips

"Well mommy's on her way home okay"

"Yaaay" he squealed

"Let me talk to daddy" I told him

God Mikey is such a sweet little boy and I love him so much.

"Yea?" He sniffed

"Bring Mikey over here, Hailey wants to see him. And I'll just follow you in my car" I told Jack

"Okay, we're on our way now"

"I'll be waiting" I smiled before we hung up.

He really does know how to make me happy...


The doorbell rang, Hailey stood from the couch to answer it. Once she realize who it was she smiled big.

"Mikey!" She giggled picking him up

"He's going to stay here for tonight and I'll be by to pick him up in the morning or afternoon" I said

"That's fine, as long as you to aren't fighting" Hailey pointed

"We won't" I smiled walking out the door

"I love you, Cameron" Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"I love you more" I smiled, looking up at him

"I love you the most"

"I love you the mostest"

"That's not even a word" Jack laughed

"I'm going out of my vocabulary just to tell you I love you more" I giggled

Jack walked me over to my Range Rover. He turned me around and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Be careful" he looked into my eyes

"I will, I promise" I placed my hands on jacks chest

He closed the gap between us, sealing it with a kiss. He pulled back and kissed my forehead,

"see you when we get home" he smiled walking back to his jeep

I got into my car, starting it and waiting for Jack to pulled out of the driveway. After I pulled out, I followed behind him, heading home.

His Baby ~ j.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora