Chapter 32 - sorrow

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I fluttered my eyes open, moving out of jacks embrace. I laid there awake, looking up at the ceiling.

If only I chose to live with my dad, I wouldn't be in this situation. But I had to choose my mom and go to my dads on the weekends. Never have I ever thought of something like this to happen to me, especially with someone who I was once good friends with. He just wants me to himself, pure selfishness. Oh god how I miss Justin, I'd do anything just to see his face right now. He probably misses me much more than I can imagine, it's so depressing.

A tear slipped down my cheek onto the pillow.

The fact that Jack kidnapped me instead of just talking things out with me, breaks my heart. I'll find out how to get back to Justin from here, I'm sure he's waiting for me or looking. I hope so.

Jack stirred in his sleep, before waking up.

"What's wrong, Cameron?" He asked

I just turned away, not wanting to see his face right now. He sighed before getting out of bed. I laid there for ten minutes until I decided to get up. I heard Jack speaking to someone on the phone as I entered the hallway. Inched down the stairs, listening in on his conversation.

"She doesn't love me....but I love her....I don't know what I'd do without her....I want to take her back, but I'm afraid that she'll never talk to me again....she's pregnant....okay....I can try...yea, talk to you later"

I finished walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I don't want to leave, because what if the baby's his? But I also want to get as far away from here as possible because I want to be with Justin.

"Cameron" Jack gently called


"Do you think you'd ever find your love for me again?" Jack didn't make any type of eye contact with me.

"I don't know....I-I just want to go home" he looked down, tears splashing on the table

"I really love you"

"I know and I'm sorry, but you hurt me"

"And I can make up for it, if only you'd give me a chance. I can give you what you deserve, show you how special you are to me, show you how much I love you" Jack was now standing in front of me, holding my hands in his

I looked into his tear filled eyes. I couldn't do this, knowing that my feelings for Justin are still there. I moved my hands from his and took a seat.

" were happy last night and you let me cuddle with you, you let me hold you in my arms and now you don't want to be around me" I stayed silent

He chuckled slightly, confusing me "You were excited when that doctor told you the gender of your baby. You had a smile on your face that could light up this whole town. I was happy to be able to witness that smile, it made my love for you grow" tears streamed down my cheeks as he talked to me

"Every time I see you, what you told me circles my thoughts I don't love you. It makes me feel as if I'm not good enough for you, like whatever I do, doesn't make you happy. Do you ever think about anyone other than yourself? Do you ever think about how I feel, Cameron?"

I didn't say a word. Every little thing he just told me broke my heart into pieces. He knows that I still care for him, he's just trying to get it out of me. He knows my weak spots and that what I hate about him.

"Of course you don't, all you care about is yourself" he huffed, walking out of the kitchen

I sat there alone, every tear that slipped onto the table, made me a little more depressed than before. When I decided to get up, I walked upstairs. I walked to the door of his room, peering through the doorway. Jack laid in the bed, staring at the wall. I sighed, walking passed and into the guest room down the hall.

What is my purpose?


I'd seen Cameron walk passed my room. She needed to hear what I had to say, she just doesn't understand that she's playing with my heart and I can't take it anymore. My plan was get get her back, by acting like I don't care, but still giving her my love. I'm not trying to hurt her, I just want her to know how I feel about this situation.


I headed down the hall, seeing that Cameron was sleeping in the bed. I went over, picking up her body and carried her back to my room. Gently laying her in the bed, I crawled in, covering our bodies with the comforter and wrapping my arms around her. Just having her close to me makes me happy, even when she's sleeping.


I opened my eyes, only to find Cameron looking up at me.

"Hi" she whispered


"You okay?" I was surprised by her question

"Yea, how about you?" She nodded her head, cuddling into my chest

"I thought about what you said and I'm so sorry that I made you feel that way, but instead of....kidnapping me, did you ever just think about talking to me?"

I didn't know what to say, I was caught off guard.

"I wanted to be with Justin because no one had a problem with him. I had to hide Cameron and I's relationship and all everyone wanted me to do was break up with Sammy. If anyone found out about us, my brother would try to keep me away from you and you two would probably split up, I didn't want that. I wasn't just thinking about myself then, that was you"

I just sat still, listening to what she had to say.

"Yes, my feelings for you are still relevant, I just didn't want to be with you, because I had Justin. Now that I don't have him, I feel empty"

My arms tightened around her body "I want to be the one to make you happy"

"Sure you do and Justin does too, but I only have one heart and neither of you like to share" Cameron really touched my heart

"But now that I'm here, I have no choice but to give up Justin, because you won't let me go" she sniffed.

I know she missed Justin, but she'll come around to loving me again. I just need to create a good memories with her and she'll forget about him.

His Baby ~ j.gWhere stories live. Discover now