I scoffed, “Sorry, I wasn’t raised in a place where manners where first priority.”

He rolled his eyes at me, “Speaking of being raised, any word from psycho mama?”

“She keeps calling me, but I can’t bring myself to answer. What if she has a chip in my phone, like a GPS to come here and drag me back by my hair?”

“Hate to tell you this, but your hair is too short to pull.” Harry stated matter-a-factly.

“I’m serious! If she finds me, I don’t know if I have enough fight in me to run away anymore.” I sighed looking down at the pieces of tea leaves at the bottom of my cup.

“Hey, if she does come back, you won’t have to fight alone. You have me, the other boys, and all your friends. You’re not alone this time.” He encouraged as he put a hand over mine. I looked up at his eyes, filled with truth, and smiled shyly.


We soon finished our tea, and left the café after thanking the service. Harry and I walked hand in hand around the plaza, his comforting friendliness is one I will never forget. The way he smiles so sure of himself, how composed he always looks. I can understand why girls would be bummed if they found out he was actually gay. They’d get over it. I pulled Harry aside to where no one could hear us.

“Harry, you have to stand up for yourself.” I stated.

“What do you mean, don’t I already?” He asked.

“I mean about you and Lou. You know you want to be the one holding hands with him, not me. You have to do something, life is too short not to take hold of everything you hold dear. Grasp it Harry, take that chance.”

He looked down at me with an overwhelming stare, “Maybe I will.”

Liam’s P.O.V.

How could she do this to Niall huh? When he finds out he will be so hurt, I just know it. But... I was really harsh on her, maybe I should call Jasmine back.

*ring, ring*

“Hey it’s Jasmine, I can’t come to the phone ri-”

I smacked my head on the wooden coffee table. Why must I be such an ass, I mean seriously she gave up Niall so I could have him. What kind of friend am I?! I picked up my throbbing head from the table and sulked on the couch for a few minutes.

“Lili? You don’t look so good.” Niall glanced wearily at my troubled state.

“I’m an ass.”

“Well, you have one. That much I know.” He winked.

“No Niall, Jasmine was just on the radio, and the host questioned her about her meet up with Danielle...”

“She met up with Danielle? What for?” Niall asked me as he sat down on the other couch cushion.

“I don’t know, all I know is that I became furious. So, I called her up and maybe yelled at her for something the papz told me on the radio...”

“Liam. Why would you do that?! You know never to believe those c*nts! Why were you mad to begin with, were you jealous that Danielle was hanging out with Jaz...” He whispered looking down at his hands.

“Not at all Niall! I was just worried about you, I didn’t want you to feel betrayed.”

“That’s not fair to her Liam, it would be like telling her that what we’re doing is okay, but what she is doing isn’t.”

He was right. How could I have been so dense, my shoulders sank with a sigh, “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t apologize to me.”

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