Clash ! The strongest Monster

Start from the beginning

Just like my pokemon, I'd never trade or loose any of them. They are my precious family and friends, She thought as she remembered her travels. She noticed a look in Kaiba briefly before he hid it as he said he understood and he was sorry. Even as he promised to treasure his cards she knew he was lying.

All I sense is darkness from him. He's covered in it, She thought.

When everyone left did she relax. I feel so tired and stiff, She thought as she burrowed deeper into her comforter. As the fluffy cloud-like blanket lulled her to sleep to she hear a brief ring before Yugi answered. Sleepily she welcomed the darkness as she began to dream.

Next day

Honda and Jounouchi were seriously playing Duel Monsters. "You guys won't be able to beat Kaiba," She pointed out before leaving. "Misdreavus, come on out," She said as she enlarge the Poke Ball once she was alone. "Misdreavus !" Her pokemon cried as a flash of light streaked from the Poke Ball.

"Keep an eye on Yugi for me," She instructed before leaving. "Mis," Her pokemon replied before fading through the wall.


The human Yugi called Kaiba was certainly dirty. He slipped Yugi's Duel Monster card with a fake while using a cover of dropping it.



Misdreavis had kept out of sight as they went back to the game shop but Anzu caught up with them. It turned out the two jealous idiots had challanged Kaiba so she and Yugi had to run back to school and when they reach the rooftop they fimd Jounouchi and Honda brutally beaten by Kaiba's thugs in suites.

A little later

Turned out Yugi kmew about Kaiba switching his card. Kaiba seemed surprised Yugi had known all along. Trust Yugi to believe someone like Kaiba would return something he stole, She thought as she sweat dropped a little. After Kaiba left Yugi was punched by the goon pair that were called his Bodyguards.

Yami appeared and he got up he said with a smile,"Whether it's 'No use' or not...let's find out." With that he returned the two suites with a favor. Glancing away from the black and blue two she followed Yami as he challanged Kaiba to a duel.

Using a class room she watched the two. As for Kiaba, this was his first time seeing Yami and the guy was confused. This was not the sweet baby panda but someone older and confident. "Now.....It's Game time," Yami said. "Yugi. You know you're challenging a Duel Monsters expert. Think you can win ?" Kiaba asked.

"I don't know. However....This Duel Monster Game...will be different from before," Yami promised. "I'll look forward to it." Yami game here we go, She thought as she watched. Misdreavus was watching but her pokemon still stayed out of sight. "We'll each have 40 cards. Life Point, two thousand points. You loose when you reach zero. Game...Start !"

"I'll start first,, level 5 Gargoyle. I place him in the Dark Forest, " kaiba said. Once the card set down smoke wafted from the card as the monster began to appear, as it rose the monster pounded it's chest like a ape.

"Didn't I tell you ? 'This game will be different from all others.' I block your attack with this card. Dark Dragon. I place it in the Lake Field, " Yami said as his dragon rose out of the water it roared at the Gargoyle. "Battle !" Yami ordered while Kaiba yelled,"Go, Gargoyle !"

As the dragon breathed fire onto it's opponent Kiaba's Life Points went to 1500. As for the card smoke came from it before it disappeared. "The card...." Kaiba said in amazement. "That's right....The losing card is completely destroyed. This is.....The Duel Monsters Yami duel game !"

"Interesting, very interesting Yugi !" Kaiba yelled as he laughed. He then brought out Minotaurus and placed it in the Desert Field. From their Kauba's monster defeated Dark Dragon. Yami had 1500 life points now. The next monster he summoned was Holy Elf, a monster with great defense.

Kaiba place a spell Card and when he played it. Yeah she had been listening to Yugi while he had been teaching Honda and Jounouchi. Growth made his Minotaurus even stronger as it defeated Holy Elf. Kaiba seemed to think he was going to win as he laughed but this duel was not over yet.

Yami brought out a powerful monster called Summon Demon and placed the monster in the Dark Forest Field. As the skeleton-like monster rose it easily defeated Minotaurus. Kaiba was now at 1200 while Yami had 1500 life points.


Once again that rotten Kaiba slipped the card he had stolen on the top of his deck. As Blue Eyes Dragon was placed in the Lake Field. "So you are after all..." Yami said as his Life Points began to drop. "What's going on !?" Kaiba yelled as he poumded on the desk as Blue Eyes Dragon did not attack.


"Finish him !" Kaiba yelled impatiently. In the corner of her eye she saw that the pendent was glowing. "Kaiba. You don't get it, do you ? You don't understand why Blue Eyes Dragon doesn't attack. It's because your heart isn't in that card !" Yami pointed out.

"Wh-what the ?!" Kaiba stuttered in confusion. He probably did not know or believe cards had hearts and wills of their own. Well he himself does not have a heart or it's black and shriveled up, She thought. "I can see it. It's Grandpa's heart is in that Blue Eyes Dragon," Yami said as he seemed to be deep in thought as he stared at the dragon.

As the dragon began to fade did Kiaba yell,"It can't be. The Blue Eyes Dragon is disappearing !" Kaiba's life points began to slowly drop. "It's fate to fight....and loyalty to Grandpa is clashing. It eliminated itself as a resolution. " while Kaiba still was in denile Yami said,"Think that if you want. The card I've picked...." Yami said as he took a card.

Summon Demon had roasted it seemed as the card began to disappear. As Yami brought out The Reviving of the Dead. "And the creature I revive...Blue Eyes Dragon. It's over Kaiba. Any card you pick is useless," Yami pointed out. Now both of them had 100 life points.

Kaiba brought out Gremlin as placed it in the Split Land Field. As the earth began to crack the duel became a draw as smoke covered everything. Kaiba escaped yelling how this was not the end. Once the smole cleared did she see the table violently split in two. "Just as expected from one called Duel Monster Expert...picking that card in the end," Yami said as he bent down to retrieve Blue Eyes Dragon.

"Grandpa's heart....I've retrieved it," Yami said as he stared at the dragon. "Dreavus," Her pokemon murmured as she showed herself in a corner of the room. Glancing over at her Yami said," Let's go home, Alice."

Next day

Yugi had no memory what happened or what Yami did. As for who got the card back it seemed he thought Honda and Jounouchi did it. While the two did not and they did not remember anything simce the thugs knocked them out. As for Honda, he appeared on a speeding bike, happy as can be because Miho was saying it was better then a Taxi.

"Too fast," she said while Honda was yelling this was what they could do together right before they crashed into the telephone pole. "Useless, " She muttered sleepily as she watched the pair.

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