
“Well Tony and I are going to dinner.” I spat at Andrea, I watched her turn to me as I paled a little, “Knock that attitude off you are lucky I let you step foot back onto the bus. Don’t make me regret it…” she told  me in her deadly voice I huffed looking at the window, Tony and I were supposed to go to dinner an hour ago but no some fan had to pull her off the stage. I hit my head against the window as I felt Tony’s hand hold mine as he whispered, “Look my sister is just trying to get along with you.” I rolled my eyes at him, “tony if she wanted to be nice she could apologize.” He just looked at me in disbelief taking his hand from mine and looking forward. ‘Great now I really fucked up’ I told my self as we got to the bus…

~Tony the Turtle~

I can’t believe Stephanie just said that to me, she didn’t pick up her stuff at the house like I asked her too, so my sister hurt herself; now she doesn’t care that my sister is trying to be nice to her and letting her back on the bus. When we got to the bus, we all walked on the bus as I ignored Stephanie she looked at me hurt but what she said was unforgivable now that I think of it she has a said a lot of unforgivable stuff about my sister. I got mad slowly as I saw my sister sit next to me, “turtle don’t get mad, you love her. I know she thinks she is better than us but we love you and want to see you happy you go out with her tonight.” I sighed as I looked at my hands “Okay.” She giggled kissing my cheek. “Okay brother now go get ready.” I just nodded walking back into the bunks.


I sighed seeing my brother leave as I lounged on the couch I watched Mike and Hime go at one another playing FIFA as Vic disappeared in the back lounge. I got up going into the back lounge, “Everything okay Vic?” He looked at me, “fine I just can’t believe a fan would do that to you.” I shrugged, “It happens Vic, now what you working on?” He smiled at me as he handed me a notebook with all the lyrics I had written scribbled everywhere. “Go get the other two we will figure out the lyrics okay?” I nodded running getting Mike and Jamie. We had been up for hours I heard my brothers voice say, “Just stop I can’t believe you just asked me to kick my sister off the tour!” I froze as I yelled, “Hey Tone I need well we need help finishing this song!” I heard him come back here shutting the door in Stephanie’s face she didn’t know the code so she couldn’t come in. when we finally finished the song


  Once in a while I act like a child, to feel like a kid again.

It gets like a prison in the body I'm living in.

'Cause everyone's watching and quick to start talking,

I'm losing my innocence.

Wish I were a little girl without the weight of the world.

It would be nice to start over again,

Before we were men.

I'd give, I'd bend, let's play pretend.

Remember the times we had soda for wine,

And we got by on gratitude.

The worst they could do to you was check your attitude.

Yeah, when fights were for fun, we had water in guns,

And a place we could call our own.

How we lost hold of home, I guess I'll never know.

It would be nice to start over again,

Before we were men.

I'd give, I'd bend, let's play pretend.

And when it's the end,

Our lives will make sense.

We'll love, we'll bend, let's play pretend.

It's not going to be long, before we're all gone,

With nothing to show for them.

Stop taking lives, come on, let's all grow up again.

It would be nice to start over again,

Before we were men

I'd give, I'd bend, let's play pretend.

And when it's the end,

Our lives will make sense.

We'll love, we'll bend, let's play pretend.

Pretend by Lights

I giggled as we finished I walked out as I thought immediately texted Lights the song as I told her to put music to it and sing it. She agreed I love giving my lyrics away, “I love this Andy! Its perfect you always help me find an inspiration to write!” I giggled at her as I said, “It’s no problem I love helping you! Tell Beau I said hello!!” I giggled hanging up I turned to see the fan that had pulled me off the stage I froze as I got a good look at him. It was my ex Tyler. I looked at him a little scared as he smiled a little evilly at me…

Life of Tony Perry's sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora