Chapter 14 (bonus chapter)

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Chapter 14 (Bonus chapter) *Lance's POV*

(Ten years later)

It had been ten years since Greyson had been born, he was happy, healthy and popular in school.

"Greyson! Your friends are here." Ivy shouted, letting the four small boys in.

Greyson ran downstairs, nearly tripping on the last step. "Coming!" He exclaimed, running into the kitchen.

"Greyson! Happy birthday!!"  A pair of twins stated at the same time, giving him a big hug.

I smiled walking into the room, ruffling Greyson's black and silver hair. "Happy birthday son." I chuckled.

The two other boys walked in grinning madly, all of Greyson's friends handed their presents to Ivy who placed them on the kitchen table.

"Mom? Dad? can I open my presents now?" Greyson asked, looking back at me and Ivy.

Ivy chuckled at our son's anxiousness, looking at me we made a silent agreement, Ivy looked back at Greyson and nodded handing him our present. "This is from me and your dad." She said happily.

Greyson tore open the wrapping paper, and gaped at the present, although he was in grade four he still loved teddybears. He lifted up the stuffed bear and hugged it tightly, he walked over and hugged me and Ivy. "Thank you mom, Thank you dad. I love it." He smiled, turning to his friends and sitting down.

The twins, Salem and Soren, handed greyson their gift and card. "We hope you like it." The twins said in unison.

Greyson opened the black envolope and read the card, 'Happy birthday!!! Happy Birthday Greyson! Have a wonderful day! -Salem and Soren.' Greyson couldn't help but smile as he shredded off the thick layer of wrapping papaer to reveal a large box which he opened to find another box, which he opened to find yet another box which he opened to find yet ANOTHER box which he opened to find a thick banded bracelet. Greyson grinned and hugged both twins. "I love it you guys!" He exclaimed, putting the bracelet on.

The twins laughed quietly. "We thought-" Salem started, his sentence being finished by Soren "-You might! Did you enjoy our little box prank?" They asked they laughed.

Greyson nodded happily.

The two other boys, Nick and Chris handed Greyson a small baby blue box and two cards.

Greyson opened the white envolope that Nick handed him first and began to read it, 'Have fun on your birthday, Have fun on your Birthday and enjoy each special moment. And then look forward to another year that shines with promise. Happy Birthday. -From Nick. Greyson smiled and then read Chris's card. 'Happy Birthday, Okay so I failed on the drawing... Sorry. Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you like your gift! Yup, don't know what to say now... bye? no not bye. I see that "He's crazy" look your giving me! Don't look at me! Stahp it!!! Nuuh!!! ...Tear down the cross, splinters and shards remembered this trojan horse, rode to the land we enter, we'll burn away and free our fallen brothers... Yeah, felt like putting lyrics. =P' Greyson chuckled and looked at Chris who was hiding his face.

Greyson looked at the box infront of him and opened it finding a lot of candy, he looked at Nick and Chris and hugged them. "thank you guys its awesome!" He exclaimed.

I smiled and yawned looking at Ivy who was sitting on the counter beside me, I walked over and hugged her, kissing her before the boys could notice, I quickly pulled away, smirking.

*4 hours later  -_-" *

The four boys left leaving Greyson alone on the couch, watching a movie in his full black outfit, hair spiked up in all directions giving him that scene look, and the black spike earing in his left earlobe pulling the outfit together.

I smiled and sat beside him, hugging him tightly. "How was your birthday Grey?" I asked, smiling.

Greyson smiled and yawned. "It was fun." He stated, tired.

Ivy walked in and sat down on the floor. "Were glad to hear that." She explained, yawning, she stood again and sat down beside me and Greyson as we all fell asleep together.


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