Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 *Lance's POV*

I put a hand on Labrador's shoulder, he turned slightly and looked up at me. "Let me go talk to her." I stated looking at him. He nodded, I pulled away and walked out of his bedroom door.

Jace walked up to me nerveously. "What was up with all the yelling and banging? everyone heard it." He stated, playing with his fingers as he avoided eye contact.

I raised an eyebrow, then shook my head. "One of Raven's forms are dead it's nothing...." I said bluntly, shoving past him and out the front door, she was walking into the entrance of the forest.

"Ivy! Come back! Your welcome to stay! We have a spare room you can stay in!" I yelled, running at human speed over to her.

She stoped and turned looking at me, tears in her eyes, she shook her head no. "I'm not staying..." Ivy mumbled, running off into the forest.

I heard a somewhat meloncholic woosh, and looked over to see my younger brother. "I know you still love her....but.., put yourself in her position, all she needs is recognition, I can see that she feels the same about you....just give her a few days." Labrador stated, putting a hand on my shoulder.

With a sigh I nodded and walked back inside with him.

*time lapse 4 weeks later*

I looked around quietly, I was back in her'd been four whole weeks since that day, Raven was his kind self, with no recolection of what'd happened, I approached her house, and knocked on the door.

"Yes" A little girl said, opening the door, her big brown eyes on me the whole time.

I bent down so I was her level. "Is Ivy here?" I asked kindly.

 She shook her head. "No one in this house is named Ivy." The little girl said, "She must've moved out three weeks ago....cuz I've lived here for three weeks now...I'm sorry." She said shyly.

"Who's at the door sweetie?" An older woman asked, walking over.

The small girl turned, her little pink dress swishing slightly. "Oh...mommy, it's only someone looking for the girl who lived here before..." The little girl said quietly.

The older woman looked at me. "Were sorry but we have to go get ready for a party....but you can babysit little Rosie if you need something to do, we didn't have a babysitter anyways and she seems to like you." The older woman said, her bright blue eyes glimmering slightly.

I smiled a little. "Sure, why not." I said, happily, walking inside with Rosie and her mother, Rosie grabbed my hand and brought me to the living room.

"You can sit down mister." She said kindly.

I chuckled quietly and sat down beside her. "My names Lance." I said, smileing.

Rosie's mother walked in with a tall man who I assumed was Rosie's father. "So my wife tells me you'd be ok with watching Rosie for a bit, may I ask your name?" He asked eagerly.

"My name's Lance, sir" I replied, doing a curt bow

Both him and his wife smiled. "Please call me Jake, and you can call my wife Candice" He grinned, looking at his watch, he immediately ran for the door. "Make sure she goes to bed at 8:30 We should be back around 9 or ten. If you get hungry help yourself. Bye Rosie, have fun!" He stated hurriedly, grabbing his wife and running out the door with her.

I looked at Rosie and smiled, "So what do you wanna do?" I asked, grinning madly.

. . .

After an hour or so of playing Just Dance 4 for the Wii, me and Rosie had fallen asleep on the couch, and I dreamed something for the first time in my whole life.

-Lance's Dream-

I looked at Ivy, pulling her close as a slow song came on, she blushed and smiled, nuzzleing into my shoulder, I smiled softly and began to quietly sing the song to her quietly. "I can be your hero baby, I can kiss away the pain, I will stand by you forever, you can take my breath away..." I lightly kissed the top of her head.

She looked up and our gazes connected, she leaned up slightly while I leaned down, our lips were mere inches appart, I could feel her hot breath on my lips.

And just as I leaned down, I woke up.

-End dream-

I looked up at Labrador who was upsideown. "Umm...why are you upsideown?" I asked, sounding somewhat loopy.

He sighed, it seemd that he'd finnally went back to how he was before he met HER. "Was there any luck finding her?" He asked solomnly.

I shook my head no, sitting up on my bed. "No....she moved thats all I know....and I take it Raven picked me up?" I asked, grabbing my head.

Labrador nodded, sitting down beside me. "Why would she move? Where did she move.....?" Labrador asked cryptically, running a hand through his somewhat wavy, silver hair.

Jace walked in quietly. "UMM....I kinda was listening in on your converstation....and well I planted a tracking device on her the day you knocked her out Lance...." He said quiety, backing up.

Labrador looked at Jace in shock. "Well where does she live?!" He asked, grabbing Jac's shoulders.

"She lives in...."


Authors Note

Lilliya: Yay cliff hanger! now you have to wait for chapter seven.

What do you guys think so far? tell me in comments -_-" Only one person has commented! that'd be my dear friend MimiMichelle :) good job buddy

Ivy: Oi, don't you dare let Jace tell them where I live!

Lilliya: It was his own choice Ivy, don't go yelling at me. -_- Everything was going so well......None of the characters were randomly appearing in my authors notes.

Guys :O look up creepypasta ben on google then click the wikkapedia answer. read it and tell me in comments or pm me if you think its real or fake.

Ivy: Its fake you idiot. well bye guys I'm saying it cuz mrs author overloard is busy trolling that site the ben one -_-" honestly its obviosly an uterly beliveable peice of fiction, now good bye.

My Demon CaptorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora