Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 *Ivy's POV*

(A few months after their wedding)

I gripped my stomach in pain. "I think I'm going into labor....." I yelped, winceing in pain.

Lance quickly stood, looking at the clock, it was ten o-clock at night. Lance ran downstairs and brought Jace's twin brother Jasik (who was a doctor) upstairs.

"Alright, Lance go sit beside her and hold her hand to keep her calm, I'm gonna need some hot water and a few towels, Raven get them for me!" Jasik, walked over  slipping on a pair of rubber gloves, he pulled off my underwear from underneath my nightgown and awaited Raven's return. "Alright, Ivy take deep breaths in and out in and out." He exclaimed.

Raven quickly walked inside placing the bowl of hot water onto the table beside Jasik, he put the towels beside the bowl and sat down on the other side of me.

Jasik smiled a bit. "Alright, everything's gonna be ok your both gonna make it through this, you and the baby." He explained.

Lance held onto my hand, soothingly storking the top of my hand, he moved the hair from my face, wiping the sweat from my brow with a cold cloth. "It's gonna be ok babe." Lance stated.

"I need you to push now Ivy.." Jasik explained.

I pushed hard, tears leaking from my eyes, I kept taking deep breaths, pushing harder each time.

(Gonna skip this cuz I really don't know how pregnancy works...and I don't want this to be to graphic.)


I yawned quietly, my face covered in sweat, I looked at Lance, he was just as tired as me.

Jasik grinned and brought our baby over, wrapped up in a soft baby blue blanket. "Looks like you two now have a healthy, beautiful baby boy." Jasik grinned, handing Lance our son. "What are you two gonna name him?" Jasik asked.

I looked over at Lance, we had picked two names, so we were gonna chose the boy one. "Greyson..." I smiled, yawning again.

"He's so tiny.." Lance exclaimed, amazed, holding Greyson close.

I nodded, as Lance handed me our baby, I smiled watching Greyson play with my finger. "We did a good job so far." I smiled looking at Lance.

Raven walked over, smileing a big smile. "He looks so much like his father.." Raven chuckled, patting my head lightly. "May I see little Greyson?" He asked kindly.

I nodded and handed Greyson to Raven. "Be careful with him." I ordered.

Lance hugged me, kissing my cheek softly. "You did a good job babe." He smiled, kissing me lightly.

I smiled kissing Lance back. "Why thank you, and I hope your hand is ok.. I did squeeze it pretty hard.

Raven put Greyson down in his cradle, rocking it back and forth gently. "You all better get some sleep.." He said quietly as to not disturb Greyson's slumber.

I nodded, and curled up against Lance, hugging him close. "I love you Lance..." I whispered.

Lance grinned, clinging to me. "I love you too Ivy..." He whispered in reply, stroking my head softly.

I slowly closed my eyes, falling into a peaceful slumber.

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