Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 *Jace's POV*

I watched her carve Lance's name into her wrist, I heard her say that she wanted to die, I saw Lance knock her out....I snapped.

I ran at Lance and punched him in the face. "If you so much as touch her again I'll-" I started, but Lance cut me off.

"You'll what? Burn me to death? Slit my throte? Rip my heart out? Well if thats the case, she already did that!" He growled gesturing towards Ivy's limp body.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and conked my head against his, knocking him out, I picked up Ivy's body and walked to my room, passing a few of my friends on the way.

I don't know why I cared about her so much, I don't know why I thought I could save her from her fate, I just....Fell in love with a human girl.


Authors Note

Lilliya: Yes, I know that was an extremely short chapter but........If you want longer ones like the first chapter i need at least 15 votes and a few comments! Is that fair enough? Can you live with that?

Ace: Hallo everyone! :D Hey Lilliya! When am I gonna be in the story?

Lilliya: Well I know for a fact that if you keep pestering me you'll never be in the story!

Ace: I'm just anxious you don't have to be a penguin about it!

Lilliya: *Le gasp* How dare you! I created you and I can uncreate you! Now your gonna have to wait till the sixth chapter to show up in the story, and to think i was gonna make the next chapter in your point of view, well you can just forget about that!

Ace: You lost me, all i heard was next chapter in my point of view. YAY!

Lilliya: You creaton!!!!!!! THATS IT YOU AREN'T GOING IN THE STORY AT ALL NOW! So you'll just have to wait till I get to your part in my newest story: 'City Of Blinding Lights'

Ace: So my brother gets to be in this story but not me? Twins are supposd to stick together!

Spades: Don't bring me into this! After all I have been so patiently awaiting for the answer to the request I sent in.

Ace: You butt kisser!!!!! *cries* She turned my own twin against me, now I am truely alone D:

Lilliya: Spades.........You aren't getting a part in 'American Idol' you know that right?

Spades: *Cries* I know....

Ace: *LE TACKLES LILLIYA* You monster!!!!!!!!!!!

Lilliya: Get offa me you fat cow! *kicks Ace and Spades out of the story* Ughhhh bye?

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