14- "You're an idiot Michael Clifford"

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"Well these prove you're not lying, that's obviously me, I have so many pictures from when I was born, and there you are very cute in pink both of us being held by mum"

"I would never lie to you Mikey" I felt a little hurt.

"But you did" Ouch. But true.

"Mikey you can't play that card anymore, it's not fair" I say sadly.

"Sorry still fresh in my mind" He looked sad himself, He knew that it really wasn't fair. That happy Mikey I had seen not that long ago was gone again.

"It will take time, it took me till the day I met you those few weeks ago to believe it" I say grabbing one of his hands and giving it a squeeze.

"I know. I just wish I had at least known about you"

"There's nothing that could have been done Mikey, it is just something we are just going to have to live with"

"I know. I know...I'm just so happy to have a sister though, I am going to protect you"

"Awh Mikey" I hugged him.

I yawn which caused Mikey to do as well. "Tired?"

"A little" I said as I sat back laying my head on my pillow Mikey following suit laying beside me facing so we could look at each other. "Hi"

"Hey. Did you know that your bed is super soft "

I laughed a little "Thanks it came with the room"

"Does it now. On that note why don't you move back in with mum and dad and I?" I said nothing I just looked at him.

"Oh right, Fair point" He went quiet for a moment as if thinking then said "What if we bought an apartment together"

"Just you and I?" I sat up surprised by his proposal.

"Yeah, of course"

"Are you sure?" I was so sure he was joking around with me.

"Why not it would be like making up for the lost years of time together"

"I like your thinking Clifford 2"

"Why thank you Clifford 1" I lay my head back down on the pillow.

"No it only works when I say it" I jokingly say, while my eyes were slowly closing.

"Yeah you're right" both of us yawned again.

"Night Mikey" I said with closed eyes.

"Night Molly" he said then I was out cold.

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"Molly" I groaned as the person tried waking me up.

"Go away"

"Let go of me then" it was Mikey.

I had managed to get my arms around him in my sleep. "Sorry" I said super tiredly, trying to open my eyes.

"It's alright. You sleep well?" He asks as I was stretching.

"Yeah great" I croaked in my morning voice.

"What have you got planned today?"



"Why good?"

"Because Miss Molly you and I are going apartment shopping"

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