8-"I'm just holding you up"

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• • Three days later • •

I was just closing my suitcase as I started going down the stairs to leave for tour, we were only going around Australia for this short tour promoting the new album.

I went out the front door and put my bags in the van then walked back to my mum and dad and hugged them goodbye I was only going for under three weeks but that still is a long time to be away.

"Bye my beautiful boy" mum hugged me.

"Bye son" My dad didn't like showing much emotion he just shook my hand.

I went to get in the van with the other boys, when I heard 3 little voices calling to me.

"Mikey wait!" Abbey, Sam and Maddie all came running and I bent down to hug them all.

"We will miss you" Maddie said, hugging rather tightly for her age.

"Miss you" Sam said.

"I haven't even left yet buddy. Will Molly miss me?" Something clicked in Abbeys little head of her's because she ran off and a minute later, she was dragging Molly along the little path.

"Leaving for tour with out saying goodbye, I'm disappointed" She joked, hand over were her heart, while shaking her head.

"Sorry I forgot you were even next door to be honest" Wow good going Michael. I awkwardly rub the back of my neck.

"I don't care. I haven't even known you for very long so it's fine. You probably want to leave and I'm just holding you up" She moved forward and hugged me, I hugged back.

She let go then walked over to the car door saying something to the other boys that I didn't quiet hear, once she moved out of the way I got in the van, and we left for the airport our first few days was just interviews and photoshoots.

We were sitting in silence for a while, when I broke it. "What did Molly say to you all?"

"Good luck with the concerts" Luke commented then went back to looking to his phone.

(Luke POV) [before they left]

Ash was holding my hand and making me blush at his cuteness, and Cal was just playing candy crush, yeah so two years ago I know.

Michael was saying his goodbyes to his family and his young neighbours, then I saw Molly come out.

She was saying goodbye to him and hugged him then walked over to the van, I don't think Mikey could hear what she was saying as she was talking so quietly.

"Luke you need to keep you phone on. Make sure he does nothing stupid or else"

"Will do Molly, I have his back, don't you worry."

"Thank you. Good luck to you all, play well" She left and Michael got in then we were off.

Ashy baby👨‍❤️‍👨

What was she talking about?


I'm sorry. I just can't tell you.

Ashy baby👨‍❤️‍👨

But I'm your boyfriend you tell me everything 😔😢


I know but...

I was interrupted mid text by Michael asking a question which I just answered "good luck with the concerts"


I know but I made her promise to keep this secret. I love you baby boy😘😘

"I know, wove you too lukey" he hugged me as I kissed the top of his head.

(Molly POV)

I actually got a job interview today and I was getting ready for it before the lil twiny Abbey came in and dragged me outside to say goodbye to Michael. I had forgotten he was even going on tour in the first place

When I got back inside, I had a shower and got my interview clothes on and put on some make-up and left the house.

I walked into interview room and shook the persons hand then the interview began, I believe it had gone well but the truth will be discovered if I get that call back.

The job was at the supermarket in the big shopping centre, so I ended up just hanging around for an hour or two just looking around getting new clothes and other stuff.

I got the bus home and arrived back when the kids where just going back inside to have dinner. Abbey came over to me and held my hand as we walked inside together.

"Did you have a nice day Ab?"

"Yes sammy and I had so much fun"

"That's good to hear. Now you go to the table while I go put all of this away and get changed, ok?"

"Ok Molly" she ran off, she is so cute.

I ran up the stairs taking two at a time and put my stuff away and changed into more comfortable shorts and a top, and before leaving I looked to the picture of Michael and I as babies.

"I wish you knew already Mikey"

I walked to the table and had dinner with the family. "How did the interview go?" Hedi asked.

"I thought it went well but that could be a different story for them" I laughed as I took a mouth full of my pasta.

"I think you'll get it" Dave said.

"I hope I do as well" I smile at them both as we continue with the dinner, I help abbey with her food once I was done.

• •1 week later • •

I got that job and today was the first shift. I was being taught the register by one of the other workers, only I actually already knew how it work it I had actually worked at the same store but back in Melbourne, refreshers are always good though.

I had only a four-hour shift which was fine with me it's too long otherwise. I was a few minutes off finishing when my mum came through the register.

"Hi there stranger" I said starting to scan the stuff she had.

"Hello. I didn't even know you were looking for a job let alone get a job here already"

"Well I got it and here I am" I smiled at her.

I continued scanning her stuff as she kept putting more on the conveyer belt out of her trolley.

"Have you heard anything from Michael"

"Mum he barley knows me"

"I know but still he seemed to take a liking to you when he first met you"

"Eww mum your making it sound like incest" why would she say it like that.

"You get what I mean" she rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm kidding, of course I understand" I smiled as I put through the last few items of her's.

She paid then she left as I closed my register, I went back to the break room and grabbed my stuff, clocked off and left.

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A/N- Sorry this is a really crap chapter.

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