My breathing was shallow, shaky as I was practically laying on my back, waiting for him to notice me. But, as I closed my eyes, ready for him to give me a lecture and take me back to my chambers, I noticed that he stopped and looked around, never noticing me. I was too sneaky for him!

Smiling into my hands, I held in a squeal until he was turned away from me completely, walking back towards his partner.

And with that, I went to another set of shrubs, keeping quiet, holding in my giggles until I was out of the palace grounds, near the meadows that rolled with green grass, along with the constantly flow stream of clear water.

With the palace behind me, the kingdom to my left, and the meadow around me, I placed myself beside the stream, fitting perfectly into the dip of the meadow as it rolled downwards. My hands were behind my head, a loaf of honey bread on my stomach, and a world of possibilities around me. I didn't understand why Father never allowed me to explore. Mother used to let me roam the gardens when I was small, allowing me to smell the roses and vine lilies, along with speak with the Lords and Ladies that would come to visit.

Yet now, as I was coming of age, he was more stern and strict than ever.

Rolling onto my stomach, the most of the first loaf eaten by now, I looked at the stream, seeing the reflection of the sky dancing across the surface. Light and dark shades of purples, blues, blacks, and greens danced across the sky, mixing and swirling in great patterns that mesmerized me. Stars were littered across the night sky, some in clusters that made shapes and pictures, allowing us to know when it was farming season, or reaping season.

My fingers started to absentmindedly pull up small blades of grass, rolling them between the pads of my index finger and pointer finger, staining my fingers green. I was still the same daughter that my Father knew, I hadn't changed much. I was older, I knew a lot of things now, but it wasn't enough.

To my Father, I would always be a child, even when I am the eldest of five children.

Groaning, I rolled onto my back, spreading my legs and arms out, allowing me to feel the cool blades against the few open areas of skin.

"I'm not a child." I mumbled, pulling and rolling another blade of grass.

The city was to my left, large and growing each day, twinkling in the star light. The streets weren't completely bare, and the faint sound of laughter was carried over to me on the wind. Countless times, I sat on my balcony, watching the world below me. I watched from my room-day after day- as citizens moved through the gates, looking for a place to sleep, a new home, work. The world had grown since I could remember. And now, as I sat in the meadow behind the castle, beneath the shadow of the mountains, I could see the people moving about. Father and Mother spent several hours speaking with the new citizens, finding work for them, along with keeping the kingdoms at peace. And one day, it would all fall onto my shoulders.

Even now, as I sat and watched as people moved around the city, looking as small as ants on a great boalder, I envied them. Their days were unpredicatable, never knowing what would happen. But mine were always the same: studies, studies, eat, sleep, bath, and repeate. There was nothing exciting in my life, especially not after the attack over a decade ago.

A shiver went down my spine at the memory of the screams, the sheer horror that washed over the lands. Though the memory was faint, I could still see the images in my mind as fire rained from the sky, bursts of sound louder than the greatest thunder storm, and damage done that even a tornado could never do. Ever since that night, when everything changed, I became sheltered, hidden from the outside world.

But, I couldn't be protected, treated like an injured lamb, all my life. Eventually, my wings would have to be spread, and with that, I could fly away and live my life. I didn't want to be a princess, I just wanted to be me. I everything inside of me screamed at the meer thought of one more lesson on how to properly eat my breakfast, how to walk with books on my head without them falling, how to pluck the harp just right. All of it was maddening.

Dusk to Dawn -- Book Three: AirHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin