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Warning: long chapter...

10:55pm est
June 20th 2018
Nightwing's P.V

Where do I even begin?
Today is the 12th official anniversary of Kid Flash (Wally West's) death although it isn't a nice holiday we still celebrate his life. He was a close friend to all of us and more than that to others. Artemis was particularly sad today. I wouldn't blame her though,but if you were to ask me her emotions were always all over the battle field. Bart now wears the Kid flash uniform I noticed that teams smiles dissipate when they see that.
M'gann and Conner have now Gotten back together, a lot of thing has now changed over the corse of one year.
I look up at the big hologram of Wally. The only thing the justice league has left of him. Other then his memory.
Everything is quiet here, I'd thought more people would be in here to morn his hologram. That's all this thing is, a hologram. Nothing about this Truly represents Wally. He was A jokester, a player, a idiot, a Athlete, a geek... and now all we have left of him is this stupid hologram,his award winning smile replaced with a serious frown. Everything was wrong about this and I can't help but feel like it's my fault-I mean maybe if I never asked Artemis to help with the mission, he wouldn't be dead.
After he died everyone was destroyed and to think the last time we had a conversation was over Artemis and how he wanted to protect her from Kaldur thinking he'd actually been conning us. I didn't even get a proper goodbye-nobody did. He was my best friend, my brother. We'd been through almost everything by each others sides.

And when Bart walks in the room, sometimes people's faces light up thinking its actually Wally. I'll admit I've done it a few times. I sigh and remove my hand from my face. I study the hologram. It looks exactly like him- almost but that frown, that's undeniable.
"Nightwing!?"Tigress asks bringing me out of my thoughts...
I stand up from my former position on the floor and faced her.
"So!" She asked with an intimating voice. It sounded to me as though she may have been talking to me. It came to my attention She wasn't wearing her mask and Her eyes had a pink fade to them obviously from crying,today was the day after all. Her hair was messy and she looked tired and sad. M'gann and I had talked to her about caring for her self but she didn't listen it's not that we stopped trying and gave up it's just we are waiting for her to notice. Its like trying to build a damn using only paper.. It'll work for only a while until the paper gives out and the water starts flowing again...
"Nightwing?!"she asked again
I raised an eyebrow giving her a "what?" Look on my face 
"Never mind"she muttered and walked away.
"Wait Artemis-" I called after her.
She turned around only footsteps away from me.
"Seemed like you were out of it for awhile.." Artemis said, her words trailing off. I change the subject.
"Was there something the matter?"
"No, I just wanted to say-" she looks down at her feet, shuffling them. Her voice getting higher and more cracky. She was on the verge of tears, this was obvious. But she doesn't cry instead she looks back up at me.
"Thanks" a sad simile placed on her lips. 
"Don't mention it" I reply.
My watch beeps shocking me, I look down. The screen display
A mission alert came in and i decided to check it out alone because of the sad occasion.
today wasnt the kind of day for a mission not a big one anyway.
"hello...." a suspisious voice came over the intercom fadeing away as something else came to my attention.
i paused the video as M'gann, Conner, La'gon, and Kid flash walked in with no warning.
"Nightwing, you shouldnt be spending today alone" M'gann put her hand on my shoulder reasuring me shes there. I not listening, turn my attention to Bart who was staring at the computer monitor.
I saw the look of worry on Barts face as he parted his lips to let out the silabels "So not crash" he spoke slowly, and then all at once, his usual. I turn my attention to the computer screen to relize the man behind the mysetrious voice. "Neptune's beard! is that who i think it is?!" I didnt bother to look who said that because i had a good idea who it was.
I walked slowly over to the computer hoping what I saw wasn't real.
Once I got to the computer I  Knew that my eyes weren't lying to me. The man behind the mysterious voice was prossfer Zoom.
i started looking through my emails to find the video once again to replay it. Batman made it so that when any new information gets sent to the watchtower it sends to me so I can replay it when I need to. I checked the email NightWing@Waynecom it wasn't in that inbox. This might be a long shot but it's worth a try,I check my alter ego email and It was in my inbox titled "reminder"

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