Chapter 22

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Authors Note: I decided that I'm going add a few of my own scenes and dialogue (I'll also reword some dialogue too) to this novelization. Don't worry, it won't affect the story, it'll just seem like there's more development between the characters. I'll try it out, but if you guys don't like it, make sure to tell me. Like all the other chapters, I hope you guys enjoy the read!

Lee crept into the thick clutches of the stormy night. It was pouring rain alongside with the rumbles of thunder from not far away. The rainwater immediately seeped into his clothing, chilling him. He bent low, taking cover under a small roof-like platform and looking around the area for his comrade, "KENNY!" He was nowhere to be seen.

The plains of crops obstructed his side views greatly but it wasn't like he was going that way anyway. Thunder roared again, striking a jagged line of lightning down into the hills in the distance. The ash-grey clouds drifted in front of the large moon, giving it a hazy greyish-green tone.

Lee turned his view to the house. It was almost entirely engulfed in the dark clouds that brewed above. Lightning flashed, illuminating the home eerily for a split second. Several of the windows were open, shining a dim, white light. They resembled watchful eyes. It was a monster house.

Lee narrowed his eyes. No doubt was his group in there.

…Had he heard something just now? Or was it the rain brushing against the growth? He'd survived in this hell of a world long enough to know that there were good enough chances that it wasn't. It was coming down in buckets so it would've been unlikely that the generator was functioning. Lee glanced warily at the crops to his side and hoped for the best.

There was definitely the low hum and groan of one of those things. It shuffled clumsily, inching its way towards the wired fence. Without the generators, it was mere wire on sticks. Lee held his breath. Then, there was a slash and a thunk as the fiend fell to the ground, mixing dirty blood with soil. A familiar figure approached the fence, taking the place of the former. It was her!

"Carley!" Lee whispered. He couldn't tell if he was more relieved and happy or more surprised to see her. She stood, "Lee?" Another figure approached from behind, Lee began to warn her. But then there was a gruff "Ow." as Ben manoeuvred his way through the thicket.

"Shhh!" Carley chastised him.

"Sorry! I think one of these things tore a hol-" he defended himself

"SHH!" she persisted. He heeded her order. She turned her attention back to Lee, "Is everyone okay? We heard screams as we were coming up to the house!"

"We need your help!"

"Yeah, when you guys didn't come back I figured something was up." She arched her eyebrow, "What can we do?"

"Larry's dead. They chopped off Mark's legs and tried to feed them to us!" Lee explained, bringing the two newcomers up to speed.

The look of plain disbelief and horror was evident on both their faces, Carley continued, "Shit! Is everyone else okay?"

"They've still got Duck and Katjaa in the house." Lee whispered, "And I don't know where the fuck Kenny is!"

"All right, we're coming in to help; we'll be right with you."

Lee shook his head, "The main gate is too dangerous, go around the fence and see if there's a back away in. I'll keep looking for Kenny." He looked up, "Do you have a weapon?"

"I don't leave home without it." She smirked, cocking the trusty pistol in her hands, "Ben, stick close. And Lee…be careful." The two of them disappeared back into the maze-like crops.

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