Chapter 12 - Starved For Help

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Three months later

There was a slight rustling of leaves as Lee crept forward, axe in hand. There was an oblivious walker before him, snacking on something nonchalantly. He positioned himself behind it, taking aim. He raised the axe highly above his head and brought it down. The axe came down and struck the walker in the head with a sickening crunch. Lee nudged it with his leg off the axe and it sank towards the ground. He looked down at the corpse of his kill and there was another rustling of leaves from behind him. It was Mark.

Mark had been a new addition to the group after recently fortifying the motel. Before this all had gone down, he had been employed at the US Air Force base. When Lilly suggested searching her former workplace, the group had happened upon him taking refuge in the base by himself. Lilly had seemed reluctant to having him stay with them but when he had offered to share his commissary food, she seemed to lighten up and agree for him to join them. Mark wore a pair of thin glasses and had 9 o' clock shadow. His hair was black and neatly combed back. He wore a black jacket with a wings design on the back. He looked over to Lee.

"Damn, what'd they get this time?" He sighed, shaking his head.

Lee examined the walker's half-eaten meal, "Looks like a rabbit."

"Ugh, that's another meal lost. I still can't believe we went through all that commissary food in three months. It seemed like so much at the time." Mark expressed, as they turned from the two carcasses and strode slowly away.

"Maybe you shouldn't have opened the door."

"Yeah, except then I'd probably be food right now. Trust me, I have no regrets."

"Well, a rabbit's hardly a meal Mark, but I'd take it. We're all hungry."

"No kidding."

They continued walking aimlessly through the forest when Mark spoke up again, "Last night, I heard your friend Duck laying in bed just naming types of pie. It was driving me nuts. I think he's starting to lose it."

"He's not the only one. Just cut him some slack."

"Yeah, you're right. I wish I knew for sure how much food we have left."

"Not enough. According to Lilly, we've just about hit the last of our food reserves. Some people might have to go without tonight."

"You mean Lilly's Lottery again? Kenny's gonna be pissed."

"She thinks everyone should have an equal chance of missing a meal."

"You think Kenny's having more luck than we are out here?"

"I sure hope so."

"Yeah, between the lack of food and Kenny and Lilly fighting all the time, things are getting pretty tense back at the Motor Inn. You know, Kenny's been talking about taking off if he can get that RV running."

"He's got a wife and son to look after." Lee replied, giving his opinion on Kenny.

"And they're safest in a group. Going out on his own will get them all killed. Can't blame him though, did you hear Larry going off on him last night? What's the old guy's deal anyway? Seems like he's got a problem with you in particular."

There was a sudden cawing of a crow as it flew over the clearing. Mark took notice of it.

"He thinks I'm a danger to the group and Clementine."

"I think he's the one putting us in danger. The way Lilly worries about his health, I wouldn't be surprised if she starts saving rations for him. And I know Lilly thinks he's getting weaker, but the guy's all muscle. He's a walking piledriver. I know I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with him. And didn't he punch you in the face one time?"

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