Weird and confusing behaviour

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So after my flashback i true believed there was nothing left for me to do so i had to go to visit dad even if i meant putting my life on the line.

So it had been weeks now every weekend has been spent with dad. But as weird as i sounded i have actually enjoyed visiting him and before u go thinking i some weird person that enjoys being abused he hasn't done anything to me. Yes u heard right he hasn't hurt me at all instead o abusing me he has been taking me places like the park the fun fair and things like that, I'm actually so happy my life is going the way i have always wanted.

I worried though i think his confusing behaviour is not because he has realised I'm just a young girl that wants to spend her life living like a normal child no its because he has the social on his back after me ending up in hospital and now the custody order they are keeping a close eye on him.

The only worrying thing is that there is a possible chance that he will go back to his twisted ways and become that monster he has always been but i would give anything for a chance of experiencing real life where as a child i can be free from all this torture.

We will just have to see how my life has been planned for me and what is waiting for me in the future...

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