Carter nods and slowly begins to walk away, her eyes still locked on mine and my hand still around hers.

The minute I feel her fingers slip away...

I know I won't be seeing her in long time.

I turn around and make my way to the car, tears finally betraying me. I slide into the driver's seat and thump my head against the wheel, bursting into tears.

Carter leaving was as if someone had just shot a bullet through my heart.

• Carter •

I spend the entire flight in tears, not able to get Justin out of my head. He was the best thing that's ever happened to me and hell knows when I'm going to see him again.

Sometimes during the flight, I managed to fall asleep, waking up at the sound of the plane's captain saying that we've arrived.

"C'mon, sweetheart." Aunt Marci motions me out of the seat and I stand up, yawning. We take our carry-on bags and exit the plane, me somehow managing not to cry.

We make our way through the airport, stopping to get our bags and then continuing on.

"Marci Hayes! My goodness! It's been years!" A lady's voice exclaims as she wraps Aunt Marci in a tight hug. I stand there, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh!" The lady, who has brown wavy hair and brown eyes, tens to me, grinning. "Yoy must be Marci's daughter-"

"Niece." I correct her, cutting her off.

"My bad," The lady apologizes. "It's just that you guys look so much alike!" She holds out her hand. "I'm Karen."

I shake it. "Nice to meet you."

"And..." She begins to say, grabbing some guys hand (who hasn't noticed had been standing there the whole time) and pulling him over. "This is my son, Cale."

"Hi." The boy grins sheepishly, holding out his hand. "I'm Cale." He has dark, brown hair that's cut short and hazel eyes which somehow remind me of Justin. I hold back the tears and try to think of anything else.

Cale's nose is slightly curved upward, barely noticeable. I can see some muscle visible through his white shirt and, overall, he's kind of handsome.

"Carter." I tell him, taking his hand and giving it a quick shake before pulling away.

"Let's go home and get y'all settled." Karen chirps. "I made dinner and Cale bakes brownies."

"You make brownies?" I question, starting up a conversation as we head out to the parking lot.

"Doesn't make me sound too manly, does it?" Cale chuckles.

"Not so much." I tease.

He laughs. "Didn't think so."

Suddenly my cellphone begins to ring, blasting 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls.

"Nice ringtone." Cale jokes.

"Shut up." I snap, slipping the phone out of my pocket and grinning like a manic when I see Justin's name clearly printed on the screen.

I hit answer and press the phone to my ear.

"Hey." I answer. "I just got off not long ago."

"That's good." I can hear the sadness in his voice. "Do you miss me?"

"Too much." I admit.

"I miss you more." He informs me. "Text you tonight?"

"You better."

"I will."

"Love you."

"Love you more." He tells me. "Bye, Carter."

"Bye, Justin." I heave a sigh and hang up, looking up towards Cale who has a raised eyebrow.

"So that was your boyfriend?" He guesses.

"Yep." I exhale, tears threatening me. "I miss him."

Cale gives me a sympathetic look. "I know how you feel. My girlfriend moved away a few months ago and we had together for two years."

I tilt my head to the side. "And you just called it quits?"

Cale shrugs. "I loved her but...we just couldn't make the long distance thing work. We just ended it."

"Were you crushed?" I ask him in a soft voice.

"Heartbroken." He confesses. "I cried like a girl for weeks."

I chuckle. "You're not manly at all."

Cale crosses his arms. "Is it about the crying thing or the brownies?"



Author's Note: Kinda sad :/ But I like Cale. hehe :) Dylan O'Brien is his actor which i probably the reason. I luv him. Anyways, comment vote fan!!! xx

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