Chapter 33

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• Carter •

The drive isn't long. It only takes about ten minutes before Justin stops the car in front of what seemed to be a fancy-looking hotel.

"Justin-" I begin to say, suddenly feeling uneasy.

"Hey," He flashes me a reassuring smile and leans over to plant a quick kiss on my lips. "It's just for the night. You know, for you to settle down and escape everything that's going on. I promise nothing's going to happen."

"What if I want something to happen." I blurt before I even realize what I'd said.

Justin's eyes widen and he just stares at me for a while, unsure of how to respond.

I feel myself blush. I look down at my hands, afraid that staring back at Justin will only cause me to blush deeper.

I feel something take my hand, squeezing it. It's Justin's hand.

"Nothing's going to happen." He repeats. "It's..." He pauses. "Not the right time."

I nod and begin to open the door, the conversation becoming awkward. "I hope the room's aren't to expensive." I say, holding to change the subject.

Justin hops out of the car as well and walks over to take my hand and leads me towards the entrance.

"Don't worry," He tells me. "It's all on me."

Once inside, Justin checks in and we head up to our room. No. It wasn't a room. It was Suite.

I couldn't help but gasp when I stepped through the door.

A single, well-made, king-sized bed with rose petals scattered across the top sat in the center of the room, a nightstand with a gorgeous lamp beside it. The window was pretty big as well, the curtains red and beautiful. In front of the bed sits a table with a basket full of assorted cookies, a liter bottle of coke beside it. The TV was hard to miss as well.

My jaw must have still been hanging open because Justin gently closed it using his index finger.

"This is usually the couple's suite," He explains, motioning toward the petal-covered bed. "You know, where married couples stay at. They didn't have any other suites available so I just took this one."

I nod, admiring the table with the cookies. "What about the cookies?"

Justin grins and walks over to them. "That's all me." He says proudly. "This table would normally be covered in wine and alcohol, but since we're underage..." He shrugs. "I just ordered cookies."

I smile and stand on my tippy-toes to place a kiss on Justin's cheek. "I love it."

He blushes and drapes an arm me. "Good. Then it was all worth it." He kisses my forehead and pokes my stomach with his index finger. "What do you think about watching a little television and then going to sleep?"

I can tell my the look on his face that he seemed slightly tired so I nodded even though I felt wide awake. Maybe I'll be sleepy by the time we finish watching television.

Before I react, I notice Justin pulling his blue t-shirt off and pushing it into my hands.

"I forgot to bring us clothes." Justin tells me sheepishly. "But you can wear my shirt to bed. I wasn't going to sleep in it anyways."

"Thanks." I manage, my eyes scanning over his small six pack. I couldn't help but flash back to the time he'd taken me to that waterpark before I left to come here.

"Um," I tear my eyes away and head to the bathroom. "Imma just go change."

I bite my lip and close the bathroom door behind me, quickly ripping my shirt off my head and sliding on Justin's. It fell down to my knees so I decided to take off my jeans as well. I mean, it's not really the most comfortable thing to sleep in jeans.

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