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~Yaz POV~

It was late when I started going through my mom's old music collection. I remember taking it after moving out of that apartment.

"What'cha doin'?" A voice says from behind me and I turn and see Jason walking towards me.

"Oh, um, just putting on one of my mom's old CD's." I answer as it begins to play.

"It's been collecting dust ever since I moved here." I smirk, looking down at the cover as my head slowly nodded with the beat.

"I don't think I've had a proper dance with you before. And this song seems perfect for the moment." He says, bowing in front of me and gesturing his hand out.

I smirked and took his hand.

He pulled me from the couch and grabbed my hand, holding my back as my other hand rested on his shoulder.

Our eyes locked to each others as our feet moved in sync.

It's like we were up in the clouds, completely unaware of our surroundings. That's how much we had each other mesmerized.

But I finally gained consciousness and blinked away from him.

"J-Jason, I-"

His lips crashed into mines, taking me by surprise. The kiss cleared my head, nearly making my legs weaken.

He slowly and gently took his soft lips away from mine as I dreamily opened my eyes. His hand still held mine as he still held me close.

"W-What was that for?" I ask, my heart beating and fluttering every time I stared up at his green eyes.

"Because I love you."

"I swear if you poisoned me, I'm kicking your ass, Todd." I warn, narrowing my eyes up at him.

He twists me then brings me back into his embrace, smirking, "And what makes you think I would do such a thing?"

"Because I've never swooned over you so much before." I answer truthfully as he dips me, his hand sliding down to my thigh and picking it up.

"Oh really?"

"Yes," I answer as he straightens me out again, "I don't know what it is."

"Yasmin, this has been bugging me for a while. I want to show you that I deserve you," He begins to confess, "I want to show you what having a real Boy Wonder is like."

"What? Do you think you're not good enough?" I ask, and he went silent until I dropped my face.


"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to show you the Boy Wonder you want because of Red Hood."

"Please don't tell me you're quitting the job, Jason." I say warningly, and he squeezed my hands so they wouldn't let his go.

"I don't know,"

I stopped dancing as I raised my head from his chest, looking up at him with slightly furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you serious?" I ask and he takes a moment to answer.

"I've been thinking about it. Red wants to be killed by many people, Yaz, and I don't want to put you through that again-"

"Then don't." I reply, my feet stepping away from him a little as my voice shakes from the sudden possibility that never really occurred to me. I never really thought about losing him again.

He pulled me back, obviously not liking when I pulled away from him.

"But what about you? You're already in danger and don't even know it... But I want to be with you, Yasmin-"

"Why would you even think about that, do you see what you're doing for this city?"

"Yes, killing people-"

"Bad people. Very bad people, and even some of them you let have second chances. Jason, don't think Red Hood is gonna get in the way of us," I smirk, "I mean, if anything he makes me more attracted to you."

Jason laughed small and shrugged, "You kind of have been attracted by bad boys, huh?"

I too laughed and shrugged, "Guess I can't help it. But you're not just all bad, at least for me anyway. And don't you dare say you aren't good enough either because I couldn't ask for a better Boy Wonder. Already have the one I want right here."

He wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, our foreheads resting against each others.

"Is that all you wanted to hear?" I whisper, looking at his soft lips.

"I guess so." He whispers back, missing me deeply again.

"I should go to sleep, I have work in the morning." I smile after breaking the kiss, and he tightens his grip around me.

"You can't just tease me like that-"

"My apartment, my rules." I laugh, kissing his nose as I walk back to my room.

"Yasmin." He says, and I look back at him with a small smile.

"Yes, my Boy Wonder?"

He smiled as he placed his hands in the pockets of his sweats, "I love you."

"I love you too." I reply softly, blowing him kiss before going into my room. Lord knows how much I wanted him to follow me into here tonight, but, I had to hold that urge back.

Just a little longer. So I can...make sure I'm not making another mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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