The Festival

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~Yaz POV~

I was walking between Jason and his brother, Dick, while Janine walked next to us. We were going to meet up with a couple people before getting on any of the festival rides.

Jason began to reach for my cotton candy but I backed my hand away, only for Dick to peck some off. I moved it away from him too and Jay took the advantage to take some; I lowered my hand, hovering my upper body over it. "My cotton candy!"

They laughed as our friends came into view. Roy was the first to hug me.
"God, I haven't seen you in forever!" I smile as he put me on the ground again.

"I know, man it's good to see you, Blueberry."

Long story short, when we were smaller, I ate something I was really allergic to and it made my face turn a dark blue, so he's been calling me Blueberry ever since.

"Alright, let's get on some rides!" Janine says excitedly and we agreed. After getting on a couple rides, we decided to get on the Ferris wheel.

Jason got in my cart and we started to go up. It was quiet for the most part until he brought up conversation, "Having fun?"

I nodded and when I looked back at him, his eyebrows were furrowed, making me furrow mine, "What?"

"What's wrong?" He asks and I roll my eyes, "Nothing, Jay. Nothing at all."

"No, there's something bothering you," He grabs my wrists and forced me to look at him, "I know you Yaz. What's wrong?"

After a pause he questions, "This doesn't have anything to do with earlier does it? With Brianna?"

I snatched my wrists back and leaned on the railing, "I don't know, does it?"

"That's why you're mad? Why would you be upset about that anyways?"

I sighed, brushing my hair back, "I don't's nothing, Jay. Can we just enjoy the ride?" I try to change the subject, but he doesn't let it slip.

"Yaz, you don't like-like me, do you?" He asks, making my heart beat faster. Well he just told me he didn't like me back, so.

"No, Jason." I lie, looking away. He pulled me closer to him and again made me look at him, "You're lying to me-"

"Jason, please, just let me go!-"

"Tell me, Yaz-"

"Yes! OKAY?! I know you don't like me like that back, so please don't rub it in!-"

"Did you ever hear me say that?!" He yelled back and we were just reaching the top. Before I could reply, his lips were on mine.

My shock was replaced with lust as he placed a hand on my jawline, making the kiss deeper. His lips were so soft and delicious, making me want to kiss them forever.

Suddenly, cheering could be heard in the background and Jason and I started laughing, our kiss slowly disintegrating. I looked down and Janine and the rest of our friends cheered and laughed. The cart stopped and we got out, walking towards the group with a smile.

"About time." Janine smirks, crossing her arms. I smiled widely as Jason wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we continued to walk.

It was getting really late and Jason decided to drop me off. After all, I didn't have a ride back anyways (because I snuck out).

He stood on the roof in front of my window as I jumped through it. He grabbed my hand and as I looked back, he pulled me into another kiss.

"You are something else, Jason Peter Todd." I smile, our noses still touching and our lips less than a centimeter away. He smiled back, leaning back out of the window. "I've gotta check on things-"

"Robin work?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I leaned on the windowsill. I sighed as he nodded.

"I'll text when I'm finished-"

"Will you visit?" I ask before he leaves.

"Of course, Baby Girl. I could never go a weekend without seeing my new girlfriend." He smiled, causing me to do the same.

"Be careful, my Boy Wonder."

He bent down and pecked my lips one last time, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Never."

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