Jason POV

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I jumped out of the car, running pass the rushing people. I ran into a dark alley to strip of my casual attire and into my Robin suit. I put in my earpiece and left the alley.

"Hello Little Birdie!" Joker says, standing on the roof of a car, waving my way. "Why don't we have a little game of cat and mouse, hmm?!" Joker laughs, jumping off the hood and running down the street.

I put my hand up to my earpiece. "Bats, Joker's on 4th. I'm taking persuit-"

"I'm on my way, Robin. Stay down." Batman says and I scoff. "If I stay down, he'll get away and disappear into Gotham again. I have to take him down." I retort, keeping my eye on the running Joker. I took charge before he could get too far.


"It's alright, Bats. I can handle him." I hum happily, then throw my earpiece out of my ear.

I followed Joker as he went through a couple alleyways, twisting and turning, heading out of Central Gotham. The snow crumbled beneath our running feet as I chased him. I stopped when he suddenly disappeared. Joker was no where to be found.

"Lights out, Little Birdie." His voice says in a sickly evil voice as something crashes against my head, knocking me straight unconscious.

I woke up to the sudden feeling of torment. I squinted my eyes open, looking to see Joker standing in front of me. I was in some type of warehouse, hands cuffed behind my back, seeing rusted barrels and crates outline the walls of the room. Joker looked like he was thinking about something when I gained enough energy to rise to my knees.

He noticed and drew up the silver crowbar, swinging it at my head. I fell to my side with a grunt from the impact as he puckered his lips, "Wow, that looked like it really hurt."

I coughed a little as Joker smiled widely.

Then, he continued to raise and swing the devilish crowbar at me, making pain emerge throughout my entire body. I grunted and groaned with every agonizing hit Joker took.

"Whoops, now hang on," Joker starts, walking next to my head, "That looked like it hurt a lot more." My hatred for the clown only increased every time he patted that crowbar in his hands.

"Ooh, let's try to clear this up, okay, Pumpkin?" He says as I cough up blood, seeing the blotches of it, all around me. "What hurts more?" He raised the crowbar.

"A?!" He swung.

"Or B?!" Again.

"Forehand?!" He struck.

"Or backhand?!" Again.

His smile was plastered on his face as the excruciating pain only worsened.

I laid on my stomach when I spit out more blood. I rotated a little to see him over my shoulder, despite the dreadful pain I was experiencing. I tried to say "son of a bitch" but it came out smushed and in a mumble.

Joker mimicked my attempt to speak as he leaned down closer to me, putting an arm I wouldn't mind breaking over my head. "A little louder, lamb chop." He whispers loudly, ruffling my hair, "I think you may have a collapsed lung, that always impedes the oratory." When he grabbed my hair and forced my head up a little, I gathered all the bloody saliva in my mouth and shot it at him in pure disgust. He looked surprised when it landed straight on his chin.

He pulled my head far back, then slammed it back onto the concrete ground. I groaned in agony, but I gritted my teeth. I couldn't show weakness. I had to stay strong for everyone...I had to stay strong for Yasmin.

Joker stood up, eyebrows furrowed as he took out a handkerchief from his purple suit jacket and wiped the blood off his face. "Now that was just rude. The first Boy Blunder had some manners."

I again rolled a little to look at the clown over my shoulder. I smiled, my gums dripping blood and pass my lips. I found it amusing because I based my actions off of something the first Boy "Blunder" would do, hell he was my brother. And also the fact that Joker finally had a mishap in this encounter.

"I suppose I'm going to have to teach you a lesson so you can better follow in his footsteps." Joker says, somewhat looking bored, then he raises a high eyebrow in thought. "Neh," He suddenly continues, expression returning to one of excitement, "I'm just going to keep beating you with this crowbar." He raised the crowbar that never left his hand and pushed his booted foot onto my crushed back, starting to beat me with it again while he cackled away. I tightly closed my eyes, trying to bare the inescapable torture.

Man, will his arm ever get tired?! I scream in my thoughts. I kept wondering when Batman would get here. He's the best detective in the world, he knows I'm here. Then my thoughts went to Yasmin. I know she's worrying her ass off right now.

The constant pain of the crowbar stopped, but left an aching feeling in the rest of my body. Joker had walked away from me, leaving me in the pool of my own blood as he opened the warehouse door, "Alright, kiddo, I gotta go. It's been fun though, right?" He looked at me with a smile and I would've flipped him off if I could. But all I could do was lay there weak, limp, and beaten.

"Well," The clown starts again, fixing his hideous green tie, "Maybe a smudge more fun for me than you, I'm just guessing since you're being awful quiet." He put on a brown coat as he continued, "Anyways, be a good boy, finish your homework and be in bed by nine."

Haha, dumbass. I didn't have school anymore.

"And hey!" He yells with a burst of excitement as I close my eyes, leaning my forehead on the bloodstained concrete floor, "Please tell the big man I said...hello." I heard his unmistakeable laugh echo through the abandoned warehouse as I heard the door closed.

I finally opened my eyes when Joker's laugh left the distance. I rolled over onto my back, flipping over my hands, moaning loudly due to the extreme pain.

My hands were out in front of me now as I struggled to get to my feet. I arched my back uncomfortably, feeling too weak to stand. When I took my first step, I fell right back onto the floor with a thud.

I looked back up, eyeing the door that seemed so close, yet so far. I had to stay determined to get out. I needed to tell Yasmin she didn't have to worry anymore.

So I started small, a little less than crawling; I dragged my body toward the grey door with my arms, my muscles straining every time I pushed forward. It was so painful.

I finally made it to the door, a line of blood trailing from where I was before to where I was now. I reached up and grabbed the knob of the door, jiggling it only to realize Joker was smart enough to lock it.


I gave up with a grunt, turning to face the rest of the room to see if I could find another way out.

I leaned against the rusted, metal door, lost of hope. It was then I made out the sound of beeping. My eyes widened, already assuming the worst.

I looked to the side and on one of the old crates beeped a bomb, ready to detonate in 10 seconds.

Great, that's just fucking dandy.

Batman still hadn't arrived and I began to think I had false hope before. But I did have a reason to at least try to get out on my own...Yasmin.

The timer reached 5 seconds and nothing changed. I'm gonna be late for movie night, Yaz.

I took in a shakey breath, preparing myself for death.

I'm so sorry, Baby Girl.

And I closed my eyes to picture her one last time. She was the last thing I thought about when the timer hit 0, the bomb went off, and I was engulfed in darkness.

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