Chapter 8

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Cheyanne P.O.V


I turn off my alarm on my phone and pull the cover from over my body. I walk into Aj's room and wake him up to put on his clothes. He sluggishly got out of bed, tired from watching tv at one in the morning.

Aj might be slowly turning into a rebel. Which I can't let happen.

Last night after he took a bath, I told him to get in bed afterward his bath. After he got in bed I went and finished everything for in the morning for my interview and went to bed myself.

I had been awaken by people talking loudly. I walked in the living room and kitchen thinking it was Alessandra. But when I walked into the living room and kitchen no one was there and the lights was out. Well long story short I went in his room and he wasn't in there. I went up stairs to his playroom and he was watching tv.

"Thats why you don't need to watch TV during the night. You need your sleep if your going to school." As I watched he try to make it to the bathroom he fell on the floor and went back to sleep. I guess he can have five more minutes.

I walked in his room and took his tablet and put it at the top of my closet. I went back in his room and made his bed.

"Aj get up" I shook his little body as he laid on the floor motionless as I heard his little snores "Ayden Joseph Wilkinson get up right now" his eyes popped open knowing I wasn't playing.

He jumped right up and went to the bathroom as I went to cook breakfast and put his lunch in his lunchbox.

After we both ate our breakfast the bus came and he left for school.

I walked to the bathroom to do my hygiene routine. After my shower and brushing my teeth I flat ironed my crinkled curls so that it was right at my shoulders.

I put on my clothes and looked at the time to see it was right at the time for me to go. I grabbed my papers and keys and walked out the door.

Moretti Co. was a 25 minute drive with traffic. I listened to music to calm my nerves.

Reaching the building and I'm glad that it wasn't like a skyscraper but it just looked like a regular building. From the outside it look like it has at least 15 floors. I walked inside and see the receptionist desk.

After being told to go to the 16th floor on the elevator. I stepped out on the 16th floor and saw a secretary on her desk looking at her computer.

"Hi I'm Cheyanne Wilkinson and I'm here for an interview" she looked up and smiled

"Ahhh yes, everyone has been anticipating your arrival" She looked at her watch " You're early, I'm Christina Sanchez the one that spoke over the phone with. But you can you have a seat just right over there and fill this out?" She handed me a clipboard with a pen

"Yes ma'am and thank you" I sat down and filled out the paper that asked for some basic information.

When I was finished Christina escorted me to a door that was the last door on the hallway.

"Just knock when you're ready" I nodded my head and she walked away saying "I hope you do well, I would love for you to work here"

"Thank you" she disappeared and I stood looking at the door

I took one last deep breath and finally managed to hold up my shaking hand to knock, I finally knocked.

"Come in" a deep and baritone voice that I knew belong to Enzo. I opened and closed the door behind me.

"Nice to see you again Cheyanne"

"I would say the same but then I'll be lying Mr. Moretti" I said with a smile and he started laughing. He stood up and out stretched his arms asking for a hug. I took that opportunity not only being embraced in his arms but his smell. We parted ways after a few seconds and I walked from behind his desk making my way to the seats in front of his desk.

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