Chapter 3

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Cheyanne P.O.V


Bright light

Sunlight coming through a window on my left side and a bad headache. Wait this isn't my room, why do I feel something warm under me.

I look down and see that I'm laying on someone's back, a nice scrupltred tan back. With a tattoo on his shoulders down to his wrist. A tattoo that's on the side of his stomach where his ribs are. His tattoo going all the way down to where his boxer briefs are. Beautiful is a word that can describe his back and this is only his back. He has beautiful long curly black hair. Curls that I just want to run my fingers through. His hair looks like it come past his shoulders. Arms that look like they pump iron everyday. But not like he's on steroids or anything. I wonder what the front look like.

I need to get out of here is thought at I snapped back to reality. I try and ease up off his back but that didn't work cause we both groaned. I groaned because my head was pounding like crazy. I roll off him on the bed.

"Where are you going" he said groggily. I closed my eyes and open my mouth a bit and breathed a little louder. So it would seem that I was actually sleeping. He made a noise, laid a kiss on my neck then laid his head on my boobs and wrapped his arm around me.

5 minutes later
I'm having trouble on what to do. I look around for a pillow I spot one and grab it. I start to scoot away from him. I lift his arm slightly and lift his head. I sit the pillow under him, I politely lie his head on the pillow and he automatically snuggle into the pillow. I politely put his arm around the pillow.

Standing in my bra and panties, where's my dress? I look around and couldn't find it anywhere. Oh well it's not like I wear dresses anyways. I look around and see some sweats I grab them and put them on. I see a white shirt on the floor by the bed. I walk and pick it up making sure not to make any noise. Smell it to see if I could wear it.

As I was about walk out the bedroom my hand swiped his stand that was beside his door. Which had chains, cuffs, watches and other metal things.

They fell on the floor and made a loud sound. I was sure that I was caught but instead, I got a grunt out of him. I picked up the things and put them back on his dresser.

I grab my clutch and look inside for my phone. Maddie probably has my car keys. I walk out the house only to see its a freaking mansion.

My car is no where in sight, so I take out my phone and request for an uber. While waiting on the uber I was going through Instagram since I had notification for it.

OH MY GOSH. When did this happen. I was looking at my Instagram profile. Pictures of a drunk me and it looks like I'm doing some stupid things. I see a video of me, I tap it and see me and some other man. I said "You is a very gorgeous man. *pause* Can I fuck you? Do you have a big dick? Can I ride it?" All while looking innocent.

I gasp at the profanity that I used, I don't use it unless I'm mad and that's rare. Also for not using proper English. Why would I do anything like that and I was drunk.

I see the uber car come around and up the pathway. I greet the driver as I get into the back seat. I started day dreaming until the car stopped in front of my house.

I unlock my door to my house. I put down my clutch and walk straight to my bedroom and flop right on my bed and go straight to sleep. I'll have to get my car later.

I wake up to music, loud music and the smell of food. I listen closely and hear it's speakers by Sam Hunt. Yeah Madison is in here cooking. I look at the clock and see its 6 in the evening.

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