Chapter 2

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Enjoy even though it's a short chapter. But it's a fill in I don't want to keep you guys hanging

Present time

Cheyanne P.O.V

"Ayden it's time to get up baby" I said as I shook him

"Okay mommy" he said as he rubbed his eyes

"Go run your bath water" I said as he went off to the bathroom. I went to the kitchen to start breakfast. Getting the bacon and grits. I got the boiler and skillet heating up.

I went to bathroom to see Ayden in the tub playing with his toys.

After Ayden's bath he brushed his teeth. I let him watch TV until I'm finish with the food. After Ayden and I finished eating he went back to watch TV as I got dressed for work.

After getting dressed Ayden and I was walking to my car so I could take him to school.

"Hey girl" I already know who this is Cyn the soccer mom. I have any problems with her it's just all 7 of her children. They come to my house and trash up Ayden's playroom. It takes me hours, literally, to clean up his room.

I turn around and wave at her. Her twins Blair and Thomas. Both with red hair from their father. They basically got all their genetics from their father. Everytime I see John he never say anything just wave kinda like me.

I bent down to their level "Hey how are you"

"Hey tt"

"Do you wanna get something to eat with me and Ayden after his game"

"Yes please" I got up and seen Cyn nod her head in acceptance. I looked at the time and waved by to Cyn as all three of them got into the car.

Right now I'm getting out my car at work. I walk in and as I sat down I was called to Mr. Randolph office I walk in close the door behind and sit down.

He just sit and stare at me after 5 minutes he say "Ms. Wilkinson I love the work you do" I gave him a slight smile "But I'm going to have to let you go, you're very good at what you do. You are a very good accountance but you don't communicate. You're communication skills is not good and not horrible. You only talk when you need to. I don't even know anything about you" I nodded in understanding but I'm not understanding.

"You'll receive your last pay check in the mail" I nodded and walked out of his office and to my desk.

Now I'm at home looking at TV bored Madison is at work so I can't call her. Maybe we'll have a girls night tonight since we barely see each other.

"Knock knock" I look up to see Madison walking through the door with a smile. I raised a eyebrow at her. "Yes I got off early, missy"

"Got fired today" she looked shocked

"What why?" I just shook my head "Don't want to explain" I shook my head again " After all these years of being friends you still don't say anything" I shrugged

"Girls night?"

"Yeah where?"


"What about Ayden?"


"Okay let's watch some TV" I nod

I wake to my alarm sounding telling me to pick up Ayden. I see Madison sleeping in my lap. I move slowly so I wouldn't wake her, I get my keys and Ayden bag and get in my car.

I get out the car and walk to the sidewalk and wait on Ayden. I see him and his teacher, Ms. Howard, a middle aged woman that's always in a good mood.

"Hey" As usually I wave at her. I pick up Ayden and we wave bye to Ms. Howard. I started looking around for Thomas and Blair until I found them. They were holding hands waiting for some one to pick them up

Madison, Blair, Thomas and I was now in the stands at the little league baseball game. Ayden might be 4 but he has a powerful throw, he surely didn't get it from me.

Now Ayden is sad cause his team took a lose. But we all are at the ice cream parlor.

"Cheer up you can always win your next game" I tried but it didn't do no good. After getting ice cream I dropped the kids off at Cyn's house. Madison is now looking through my closet for some clothes.

"What about this?" She asked while holding up a white body con dress

"Of course" she held up a black body con dress that looked like the white one. "And for you" I shook my head no "Why not?" I motioned my hands up and down my body. "Girl your body is fine, now put on the dress"

"No its not going to looking right"

While she put on her dress I put mine on. Afterward came the makeup Madison put on my makeup since I have no clue how to put any own.

Taking my glasses off I put in my contacts. Madison drew on my eyebrows and gave me cat eyes. She also put on some mascara and she had my eyelashes looking good.

While she had a wing with a little bit of blush. While she's drawing on her eyebrows I was curling her hair.

Finish with all our things I grabbed my clutch and both of us grabbing our matching red heels then walking out the door to my car.

As usual the club line was long as I don't know what. But Madison being her the dj was her fiance cousin fiance so we went straight in.

I just shake my head I've been here for an hour. Madison is dancing with some guy that's no where near being my type.

What's my type? Yep you probably guessed it right..... Italians. I don't mind what race I'm into but Italians just got my heart.

Are you wondering why? When Vincenzo did me wrong. Well I don't know myself I can't hate him if he didn't want nothing to do with me. Then I can't do anything about that or him. I can never have hate for any one.

Finally a good song I can dance to talking body by Tove lo came on. I speed walked to the dance floor with my hands up with my cup in my right hand. The cup I've had since I sat at the bar.

Swaying side to side not to fast and not to slow. I see some girls just moving absolutely too fast 'no rhythm'.

I closed my eyes and continue swaying until the song went off. I went to the bar and ordered 3 of the strongest drinks they had. Yeah I'm getting wasted tonight. I take all of the shots back to back then I hear drop that kitty by ty dollar sign.

Now this is something I can work with. Dancing with Madison and some other black girl. Then I feel someone come behind me that wasn't Madison. The alcohol still hasn't kicked in.

The person dancing with me smell so good I grabbed his thighs to steady myself and I feel he have on jeans.

Drop that kitty down low
Pop that kitty down low

I was definitely popping it and it wasn't my back. Mama gave me some thing to work with. I was throwing it back I hope he can catch it. So far he's a pro at catching it.

"Oh damn" said the man I was dancing on. He couldn't catch it that time. Yeah the alcohol is here now. I need more shots.

"SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS" I yelled out in the club throwing my hands up and walking towards the bar so I can get another round of shots.

I'm definitely having fun tonight, more fun I have had in years.

Next chapter would go to the next morning. Thanks loves for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter should be updated in a week or two.

CheyanneWhere stories live. Discover now