That may be true but that's not for me to decide. "It says here you were charged with breaking and entering."

"They're fucking stupid, how could a man break in when he has the fucking key." His voice raised slightly like he was getting angry, should i call for backup now?, or run?.

"They fucking set me up and I'll kill'em, both of them."

I looked on at him if he was good at lying he sure convinced me. "Why don't you appeal?."

"Ask my lawyer that's his fucking job right?, if I didn't know better I would say he was in on it you know?." he made eye contact with me and I swallowed hard. 

"Okay, on a scale of one to ten how angry do you get?."I asked trying to get on course.

"Hundred percent." Okay that's all I need to know, Guards? where the hell are you.

His face was stone cold, his hands fisted until they were white.

"Calm down, just breathe and try to relax." Annaliese what the hell are you saying, you sound like you're giving breathing exercises to a pregnant woman.

"You don't get it of course you'll want me to stay calm but I can't not when I'm being fucked over."

"Can I ask who's fucking you over."

"Those fucking Gravano's."

Oh, no surprise there, who aren't they fucking over?. 

                                                                              -&- &- &-& -& -& -&-&-

When I got home I was expecting to see Alex walking around my house but the place was silent. I set my laptop on the counter and did some more research on Alex, a picture of him and a blonde came up and I recognized her. Judge Denise Young, she was in her thirties but she didn't look a day over twenty five. They were chatting on the steps to the courtroom she had a wide bright smile on her face while Alex's was cool and natural, it looked cool and intimate, he says it's just sex but her face says more.

Another picture came up with him and his brother standing in blue navy three piece suits looking like they fell out of a magazine.

It says they were suspects in the 2011 bank heist but no evidence was given to prove this and was proven not guilty by a panel of jurors.

I remember that bank robbery I was finishing college, a lot of people were affected by that i think it was the biggest heist ever but unfortunately no one was actually charged only suspected. it explains why the brothers are living such lavish lives right now.

I searched for some information about Judge young, she was thirty four and not married, she was a striking blonde I had to admit that I could see why Alex had no problem trading his body for a stay out of jail free ticket and not to mention a highly respected woman in her field, sleeping with the enemy should be added to her credentials but who am I to judge I have mine written in bold letters as well. 


It was just after nine when the front door opened to reveal a strikingly jaw dropping Alex Gravano, he was holding a duffel bag in his hand as he walked towards me with a dangerous expression on his face. Knock knock can I come in oh sure no problem but let's skip all of that and just walk in like I own the damn place right?. Typical gang members.

"Did you get the information I asked?."His voice was stern and straight to business. I had to look around to be sure it was me he was talking to.

"He didn't mention anything about what you asked he was too worked up about claiming to be set up by you and your brother."

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