To be Loved

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Well everyone, I give you the last chapter of "Who?"

I hope you enjoy!


The Doctor landed the TARDIS down in a nice cool cave. One of the rarest places in the Mexican Desert. He walked out and just to his luck a little girl laid asleep in the sand. Her curly black hair spread in all directions. He sat in the shade of the cave and watched as the little girl tossed and turned. All he could think about was Jazmine. There she was as little girl but on a spaceship far away she was dying. Tears fell down his cheeks but this time there was no one to wipe them away. The Doctor rubbed at his eyes. He placed his face into his hands and sniffled. All of a sudden he heard the sand shift under small feet. He raised his head and used the back of his hand to wipe his nose.  

"Why are you crying, mister?" The little girl asked. Her TARDIS blue eyes stared at the Doctor, intrigued.  

"I...I" the Doctor stumbled. "I just got sand in my eyes" he lied. The girl nodded.  

"What's your name?" She asked. The Doctor chuckled, she was definitely Jazmine. She always needed to know someone's name.  

"I'm John. John Smith." The Doctor smiled at the girl. "What's yours?" The girl looked around, confused.  

"I don't really know." She replied.  

"Really you don't?" The girl shook her head. The pitch black curls swung in all directions. The Doctor kept seeing the older version of this girl but kept it to himself.  

"Hmm... Why don't I call you Jazmine?" The girl smiled a sweet smile. She was missing one of her canine teeth. The Doctor chuckled.  

"So Jazmine why are you here?" The young Jazmine's face dropped. 

"Can I tell you the truth, mister?" She slowly approached the Doctor. 

"Of course!"  

"I don't have a single idea of what is going on. My dad dropped me off and I don't know where he went." She explained. The Doctor knew what he had to do. Jazmine had told him the story of the first time she met him.  

"Well why don't we see if we can find someone who knows something." The Doctor stood up and brushed himself off. He reached his hand out and wiggled his fingers. The girl looked down at his finger and reached out. The Doctor wrapped his entire hand around hers.  

The two walked out of the shadows of the cave. The Doctor chatted with the young Jazmine. He kept telling himself that Jazmine was okay, that everything would be okay. The young girl's father must have dropped her off very close to the border. After about four hours of walking and chatting, the two reached the border. A lone guard stood patrol.  

"Stay close to me." The Doctor commanded. He walked straight up to the lone guard. The guard pointed his gun at the Doctor. Instinctively the Doctor raised his hands above his head.  

"What are you doing here?" The guard asked.  

"Well you see, I was walking alone in the desert and I stumbled upon this girl" the Doctor gently pulled the girl in front of him.  

"She tells me that her father just left her in the desert." The guard looked the girl over. He was clearly confused on why a British man was wandering the Mexican desert alone. The guard bent down to eye level with the young girl.  

"Is this true?" The guard asked the young Jazmine. She nodded her head in reply.  

"Yes sir. Can you help me find my Daddy?" The man looked up at the Doctor.  

Who? (A Doctor Who Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now